How can I remove unused JavaScript to speed up my page?

How can I remove unused JavaScript to speed up my page?

48 2 7


My shopify page has slowed down and really fustrating me.  It is asking me to remove unsused java script but i do not know how to do this


Can you help

Thank. you


Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 14.44.45.png

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
32 3 6


If possible, can you send a link to your store? The code shown in your image is for Facebook, which you cannot really do a lot about. Something else is probably slowing it down.

Shopify Partner
257 31 132

On the topic of FB. Your loading two instances of FB, probably one through shopify and one through Google tags. You should check if you have an alternate to that and load just one 

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