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I been working on improving my google ranking and have reached page 1 of google for one of my products however when I follow the link on google it comes up 404 page not found.
How can I fix this?
Thank you
Hi Pearl,
You should use redirection for that missing URL.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Navigation.
Click URL Redirects.
Click Add URL redirect.
In Redirect from, enter the old URL you want to redirect visitors from. Only broken URLs should be redirected. If the old URL still loads a webpage, the URL redirect won't work.
Note: You can't redirect URLs that begin with the following prefixes: /apps, /application, /cart, /carts, /orders, /shop, or /services.
In Redirect to, enter the new URL that you want to redirect visitors to. If you want to redirect to your store's home page, then enter /.
Note: The new URL can be either a relative URL (for example, /collection/shirts) or a full URL (for example, http://www.example.com/collection/shirts). To redirect traffic within your primary domain, use a relative URL. To redirect outside your primary domain, use a full URL.
Click Add.
And that's it.
Thank you so much for the swift and clear reply SkyDream - that’s fixed it!
My site has been down for a week and this is the error that I am getting. I do not have an old url to add to this. How do I fix this problem?
I been having same problem
What happens when the redirect does not work?
the best things is remove that broken link from google.
to remove go to google search console, you will find left side removal.
and crawl your website in google, so that google can index your website. (always use latest jason.ld in your theme)
If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire me.
- Feel free to contact me on mailto:kuparkoti@gmail.com regarding any help
Shopify Expert | Skype : kuparkoti | WhatsApp
Hi Shopify team and community,
My new shopify store is connected correctly, the DNS is connected, the cache is cleared and the URL redirection is done.
I keep getting the 404 Not Found message over and over again.
I don't know what's wrong or how to fix it.
Please help, it's suppose to be our launch day.
An example link would be a good place to get us started @NicoleFashion
Are you able to share something?
url redirect from which hosting, it depends on host provider.
If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire me.
- Feel free to contact me on mailto:kuparkoti@gmail.com regarding any help
Shopify Expert | Skype : kuparkoti | WhatsApp
I am facing same problem please give me practical solution
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