How can I sell partial quantities of a product without breaking sync?

How can I sell partial quantities of a product without breaking sync?

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Hi all,


I am struggling to get a solution for our store, here's the scenario:


We currently sell bags of 100 balloons and they come packaged like that from the manufacturer. We want to be able to sell part of the bags in the following quantities, 10, 25, 50 and 100 without having to actually split bag before a specific quantity has been sold. Our product quantities are synced from an external source via a syncing app so we may not have the product with us at the time of sale. 


We have tried simply adding a variant to the product but that then breaks the sync for the product quantities.

Any suggestions?





Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1400 174 384

If your quantities are based on bags of 100 (ex. 400 balloons mean a quantity of '4' is set in Shopify), then there really isn't any good solution to this, beyond breaking them up beforehand and then listing the quantities separately, as variants. 


If your quantities are based on the number of balloons (ex. 400 balloons mean a quantity of '400' is set in Shopify), then your best option is to just list the product as single balloons (ex. 1 balloon for $0.05, instead of 100 balloons for $5.00) ... and then allow the customer to choose how many they want with the quantity selector on product pages. 


You can then use the MinMaxify app ( to set a minimum quantity required (so that the customer isn't paying more in shipping than the product is worth). 

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