Re: Minimum Order Amount

How can I set a minimum order amount on my website?

21 0 5

Hello Everyone, 

How can I setup a minimum order amount to Rs. 500/-

I dont want any order below Rs. 500/-

Kindly guide me a code or something to do it 

I am also offering free delivery over Rs. 4000, which is already active

I am using Dawn theme

Website is

Thanks a lot

Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Staff
2067 273 254

Hi @kamm0,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community. I'm happy to provide some assistance with this request, to ensure it gets resolved. 


To successfully achieve this I recommend checking out the Shopify App StoreWe have various apps available that may allow you to complete this. For ease, I've gone ahead and made a few suggestions listed below that you can look into:



Additionally, I'd also recommend getting in touch with the app developers directly. They will be able to provide clarification on an app's capabilities and customizations to confirm whether or not the app will fit your shop's needs. To get in contact with an app developer, you can head to the Shopify App Store and select Support > Send A Message


Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. 

Blair | Shopify 
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205 30 39

Hello @kamm0,


Greetings from the Store Watchers Support Team! Happy to help you today.


Go to Online Store -> Actions -> Edit code. Then find your cart template.


In your cart template file, look for the checkout button code and wrap it with an if condition similar to the one below to hide the button for orders below 500.

{% if cart.total_price < 500 %}
// Your checkout button code here.
{% endif %}

You can also optionally add a custom message if the order is below 500.

{% unless cart.total_price < 500 %}
<p>Minimum order is 500</p>
{% endunless %}

Let me know if need further assistance

Store Watchers Support Team

StoreWatchers - Automate testing for your Shopify store in seconds

If you find my reply helpful, please hit Like and Mark as Solution
Visit us: App Store | Website | FAQs
21 0 5

hello dear,

can you please guide me a bit more, where should I add this code &  in which file?

I have attached the screenshot of my cart.json template & there is nothing like checkout. 


cart.json contain following code

"sections": {
"cart-items": {
"type": "main-cart-items",
"settings": {
"padding_top": 36,
"padding_bottom": 36
"cart-footer": {
"type": "main-cart-footer",
"blocks": {
"subtotal": {
"type": "subtotal",
"settings": {
"buttons": {
"type": "buttons",
"settings": {
"block_order": [
"settings": {
"order": [


205 30 39

Hello @kamm0,


You can add it in sections/main-cart-footer.liquid.


Let me know if need further assistance.

Store Watchers Support Team

StoreWatchers - Automate testing for your Shopify store in seconds

If you find my reply helpful, please hit Like and Mark as Solution
Visit us: App Store | Website | FAQs
21 0 5

and where should I add or wrap it?

can you please add this in the file which I have attached below?


{{ 'component-cart.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-totals.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-discounts.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

<div class="page-width{% if cart == empty %} is-empty{% endif %}" id="main-cart-footer" data-id="{{ }}">
<div class="cart__footer">
{%- if settings.show_cart_note -%}
<cart-note class="cart__note field">
<label for="Cart-note">{{ 'sections.cart.note' | t }}</label>
class="text-area field__input"
placeholder="{{ 'sections.cart.note' | t }}"
>{{ cart.note }}</textarea>
{%- endif -%}

<div class="cart__blocks">
{% for block in section.blocks %}
{%- case block.type -%}
{%- when '@app' -%}
{% render block %}
{%- when 'subtotal' -%}
<div class="js-contents" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
<div class="totals">
<h2 class="totals__subtotal">{{ 'sections.cart.subtotal' | t }}</h2>
<p class="totals__subtotal-value">{{ cart.total_price | money_with_currency }}</p>

{%- if cart.cart_level_discount_applications.size > 0 -%}
<ul class="discounts list-unstyled" role="list" aria-label="{{ '' | t }}">
{%- for discount in cart.cart_level_discount_applications -%}
<li class="discounts__discount discounts__discount--position">
{%- render 'icon-discount' -%}
{{ discount.title }}
(-{{ discount.total_allocated_amount | money }})
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}

<small class="tax-note caption-large rte">
{%- if cart.taxes_included and shop.shipping_policy.body != blank -%}
{{ 'sections.cart.taxes_included_and_shipping_policy_html' | t: link: shop.shipping_policy.url }}
{%- elsif cart.taxes_included -%}
{{ 'sections.cart.taxes_included_but_shipping_at_checkout' | t }}
{%- elsif shop.shipping_policy.body != blank -%}
{{ 'sections.cart.taxes_and_shipping_policy_at_checkout_html' | t: link: shop.shipping_policy.url }}
{%- else -%}
{{ 'sections.cart.taxes_and_shipping_at_checkout' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
<div class="cart__ctas" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
<button type="submit" class="cart__update-button button button--secondary" form="cart">
{{ 'sections.cart.update' | t }}

class="cart__checkout-button button"
{% if cart == empty %}
{% endif %}
{{ 'sections.cart.checkout' | t }}

{%- if additional_checkout_buttons -%}
<div class="cart__dynamic-checkout-buttons additional-checkout-buttons">
{{ content_for_additional_checkout_buttons }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endcase -%}
{% endfor %}

<div id="cart-errors"></div>

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
function isIE() {
const ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
const msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE ');
const trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/');

return msie > 0 || trident > 0;

if (!isIE()) return;
const cartSubmitInput = document.createElement('input');
cartSubmitInput.setAttribute('name', 'checkout');
cartSubmitInput.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
document.querySelector('#checkout').addEventListener('click', function (event) {

{% schema %}
"name": "",
"class": "cart__footer-wrapper",
"blocks": [
"type": "subtotal",
"name": "",
"limit": 1
"type": "buttons",
"name": "",
"limit": 1
"type": "@app"
{% endschema %}


2 0 0

i am having same issue can you help me


1 0 0

I got this working, but when the cart is updated with >500 worth of products, the buttons remain missing even when i clear the cache, etc. What have I done wrong?? 😭

56 0 1

You can set a minimum order amount using the Cart Lock app. Follow the below steps:


  1. Open the app and click on the "Add a new rule" button.
  2. Click "Add a new condition" and select the "Cart subtotal" option.
  3.  Set 500 in the "Block if less than" field.
  4. In the "Error message" field, add an appropriate message which will be displayed in the checkout page.
  5. Save the rule.



Now no one can order for less than Rs. 500/- from your store.