How can I speed up my slow-loading online store?

How can I speed up my slow-loading online store?

11 0 1

I own I tried all possible way to improve my website load time but I failed. I am honestly saying I am not the developer. But we are using approx. 12 apps of Shopify for functionality on website, we can't compromise on it.

If any one there please guide us what we do for improve my website. I contacted many times Shopify support but all time they are saying you are using third party theme or apps so you can contact your theme developer or app developer or we can generate a ticket on behalf of you. But I am sorry nothing happed after.


So after many try I am putting my query here, if anyone can help. Yours suggestions always considerable.

Thanks in advance.

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You can try to fix the following issues on your store and this will improve your store Speed scores, load time, Google page speed scores, Core web vitals. GTmetrix scores.


▶ Fix render blocking resources
▶ Image optimization
▶ JS/CSS files optimization
▶ Lazyload media JS/CSS files
▶ Optimize CSS/JS delivery
▶ Minimize HTTP requests
▶ Removed unused codes
▶ Fix bad requests ex: 404 links
▶ Optimize Font delivery
▶ Preload files
▶ Optimize APP codes


Here some resources you can follow


If you need help feel free to contact me Thanks.


▶️ If you need more help with your Shopify store
Speed Optimization | Theme Customization ? ☎️ WhatsApp ✉️Email Skype:

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Hi @Lakdi 

This is PageFly - Landing Page Builder. I would love to provide my recommendations for your store based on 6 years of providing solutions for about 100.000 active Shopify merchants.


I actually tried to browse your store on my phone & laptop and I found the speed isn't bad, my experience on the site is good in terms of the speed (I browsed your store with our office wifi).


Based on our experience, page performance is always a balance between the technical optimizations which don’t affect user experience, design or the UX, analyze and test. So we don't aim at 100/100 score on Google speed insights, but on the user experience which you may use some user behavior tool like Hotjar or Fullstory (I list the famous tool names but you can find others), they will help you view what your customers are actually seeing and how they interact with your site).


Other suggestions would be:

- Optimize the images: since you said that you've tried many ways, I guest that you have tried optimizing the images already, but if you haven't, you can try the mention tools in this guide (they can help you reduce the image weight without losing image quality)

- Apply Lazy loading (a strategy to identify resources as non-blocking (non-critical) and load these only when needed): You can find the guide on the internet, using a service or build your store with Page Builder like PageFly, we have Lazy option to enable with 1 click.

- Optimize code: For example, I found a 404 file on your product page with a page speed tool. Since you're not a developer, I think finding a trust developer or service to help you remove / defer unused code would be extremely help.


Finally, I have 1 suggest which isn't very much about page speed but it's based on my experience on your site: Reduce the number of products showing on a row.

- The home page is currently so busy with small images & text, and with many products on the page, all the product images will be loaded along with the page and slow down page speed 


I suggest you reduce the number of products show at the 1st load to 4 products, which can give them a larger space to shine.


Above is all my suggestions, I hope they are useful. If you think they are, please let me know by giving it a Like. Thank you!



4 0 0

could you please help in identify the problem in our store ? thanks in advance

our email

2 0 0

Hi can you help me find the issue with my store? it's been super super slow and has a speed score of 36. Thanks in advance! 
You can email me at or reply here 🙂

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Hi @Lakdi 

Welcome to the Shopify Community!

I am Anni from MS Web Designer (Top Rated Shopify Certified Experts and eCommerce Consultant from Singapore) I helped 1500+ Shopify Store owners to Optimize their website loading speed for both mobile and desktop and increase their conversion rate.

Here are some proven steps that will improve your website speed dramatically for both mobile and desktop.

  • Select a light Weight Shopify Theme (OS 2.0 Compatible )
  • Remove all Unwanted Shopify App (That you have installed, but not using)
  • Minify Javascript, CSS 
  • Reduce the Large Image Size
  • Eliminating the halting problem in Javascript
  • Apply Lazy loading per section wherever required
  • Replace Gifs with the Static Images
  • Resize Products images using Shopify App (for Bulk)
  • Check Page Speed by Google page Insight.
  • Disable inner page apps only on the home page and also disable heavy loading apps on the home page
  • Check & fix the broken link
  • Check HTTP request & fix it if possible

By fixing these issues, your website's speed score will undoubtedly increase.
Let me know if you want a free thorough website optimization audit report (with all actionable measures for your shop)

If you have any concerns feel free to ask me!

Good Luck!


2 0 0

Hi can you help me find the issue with my store? it's been super super slow and has a speed score of 36. Thanks in advance! 
You can email me at or reply here 


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2405 224 547

Hello @Lakdi,

You can follow the below steps to significantly speed up your Shopify store:


1. Removing unused app code is a best practice that avoids running code for unused features and makes your theme code easier to read.
2. Use a theme that is optimized for performance
3. Themes contain CSS, JS, and HTML which can increase and affect your store speed. So disable theme features you don't use.
4. Loading extra data your customers aren't using can impact your store speed without adding value.
5. If you are using slideshows, keep slideshows of featured images to 2-3 slides or use one featured image.
6. Use a System font which is a font that is already installed on most computers. For example Segoe UI, Times New Roman. If you use a font that does not yet exist on your customer's computer, then the font has to be downloaded before your text can be displayed. This impacts the time that your store takes to load.
7. Reduce the use of large-sized images and also compress images without losing the quality
8. Use minified CSS and JS files
9. Replace GIFs with static images
10. To reduce the initial load time, you can use Lazyload technique
11. Remove third-party JS scripts and Shopify App which you are no longer using
12. Minimize HTTP requests
13. Avoid unnecessary redirects and fix broken links
14. You can run the "Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome" to identify the lines of code that are slowing down pages in your online store.

If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, 40% of your traffic will be lost. Apart from speeding up your store, for getting better conversions, make sure your store products are Found on Google. When your customers search on Google, your product can be found only if your page is indexed. Note that once a URL gets indexed, customers will start finding your store through organic searches, you will start getting order conversions for virtually zero cost. Making it sustainable business growth. flareAI helps to get your new products found on Google. flareAI works every day for you. Get sales from Google and 20+ world's largest free sales channels, Single click start!

I hope that the above list’s tips will help you decrease the load on your web pages and increase the Shopify website speed."

Hope this was helpful.

Add flareAI Shopify App today!

flareAI : Get Sales from Google Search, on Autopilot
$10+ billion in eCommerce on Google Search, every day. Find out how much you are missing

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This helped me a lot 

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Hi, I'm glad to participate in this discussion.
The best way to improve website speed is to have professionals help you optimize your site or to use a Shopify app with acceleration features.

Google is now very strict about monitoring website speed. Some experts might use cheating methods to significantly improve your website's speed, but if Google detects this, your site could face penalties, such as having your products removed from Google Merchant Center. Using legitimate methods to speed up your site is a highly technical and time-consuming process, and it can be quite costly.

That's why choosing a Shopify app with acceleration features can be a better option—you won't have to worry about violating Google's rules, and it’s more cost-effective.
I recommend SEOAnt ‑ AI SEO Optimizer.



Here’s why:
1.All acceleration features comply with Google’s guidelines. If the app doesn't follow the rules, Shopify will remove it from the app store.
2.SEOAnt ‑ AI SEO Optimizer offers a comprehensive set of acceleration features:
      -Image optimization: For most websites, images are typically the last to load. Losslessly compressing page images can shorten your page load times.
      -Site Speed Up: When users visit the website, this feature limits the loading of third-party resources and the execution of unnecessary programs. It               prioritizes loading your own website resources, saving the time spent on loading third-party resources.
      -Lazy-loading: Preload and render potential target pages before the user's anticipated actions, significantly reducing page switch delays and                         perceived wait times.
      -Instant Page: Before a user clicks on a link, they hover their mouse over it. When a user hovers for 65ms, there’s a 50% chance they’ll click on the link.         At this moment, starts preloading, giving an average of over 300ms for the page to preload.
      -AMP: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source framework launched by Google, designed to help web content load quickly, especially on                mobile devices.

Google has repeatedly emphasized that fast-loading websites not only provide a better user experience but are also more likely to achieve higher rankings in search results.

A study by Google and SOASTA found that increasing page load time from 1 second to 5 seconds increases the likelihood of users leaving by 90%. For every additional second of load time, conversion rates drop by an average of 20%. Another finding is that pages that take more than 3 seconds to load may see a 32% increase in bounce rates.

SEOAnt would like to offer a 40% discount to users who try installing the SEOAnt - AI SEO app. Please install it through this link and enter "SEOAnt-AI SEO40%OFF" on the pricing page to receive 40% off all plans for a period of 2 months, valid long-term.


Wish you a prosperous business!

SEOAnt is a leading Shopify-based growth solution provider that has helped over one million merchants achieve more by doing less, especially in terms of SEO efforts, image compression, broken link management, cart conversions, and customer trust & engagement building, etc.

Official Website
| SEOAnt ‑ AI SEO Optimizer - Guide you to achieve higher rankings on search engines and gain more stable, free traffic.