Re: Issue with Default Addresses Changing

How can I stop automatic address changes in drop-shipping orders?

2 0 4

A large portion of our sales are sold on another website (at a wholesale rate), but we drop-ship the products for the company that sells for us. For example, let's call this company, Company X.

When Company X receives an order for one of our products, they send us an invoice with the customer’s shipping information, products ordered, etc. Company X has an account profile on our site, so using their account and the draft orders page, we process the order with their credit card. For the shipping information, we input their customer’s shipping information. 

With how things are currently coded, the billing and shipping address are automatically saved to the last used customer’s information. This is because the coding automatically saves the previously used address as default, even though I have manually saved the correct billing address as default several times. Additionally, Shopify is coded to set the billing information the same as the shipping information. Because of this, I have to manually erase the previously used customer information from the shipping address, input the new address, and then search through a list of saved address to find the correct billing address (which is the same address used for each order), for Company X. This creates a lot of extra work for me, since we are processing dozens of these orders each week. It also creates a lot of room for error, in case I accidentally do not remove all the previous customer’s information. 

The way I see it, there are a few simple fixes:

  1. Simply switch the coding from automatically saving the shipping address as the billing address, to saving the default billing address as the shipping address. This would at least eliminate my need to search for Company X’s information, as this information would stay default permanently, because it never changes. 
  2. Allow a check-box option to “save” an address. I do not need to save any shipping addresses, because there are few little repeat customers. 
  3. Change the coding to prevent saving the previously used customer’s address as the default. The default should be determined on the customer’s profile page, and nothing else, in my opinion. 

I have already reached out to customer support about this, and the solution was to use an app or hire an expert. Neither are feasible options, nor would they work for us. This seems like a very simple solution, and I would greatly appreciate any help. If anyone has any information that I might be missing, please let me know! 

Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
4 0 5

I have just come across this same problem.


Slightly different situation, but I am creating a "Quick Ordering" app for companies that use us for drop shipping to give them a way of ordering without going through the whole website to place an order.


Upon creating the order via GraphQL, the default shipping address gets changed to the last order's shipping address.


There are no options provided by Shopify to prevent the address from getting updated.


For a workaround, I am going to store the address as metafields so that I can pull this out in my app.


The behaviour of updating the default shipping address should be optional.

2 0 4

I am not sure if it will work for you, but the best work-around that I have found is when creating another order for the same wholesale customer, I just duplicate a previous order and change the products in the order and the customer's address. The billing address stays the same. This still isn't a perfect setup for me, but it has made life easier for now. 

2 0 0

This is a good Hack - thanks!

2 0 1

This exact same thing just happened to me (as a buyer/consumer).  

2 0 0

I am also having the exact same issue. It's ANNOYING.

Shopify Partner
86 10 13

I have published an application that solves this. I hope it will be useful.