Re: How to bring thumbnail section block below the main product image?

How to bring thumbnail section block below the main product image?

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77 2 9

Thumbnails in the product page below currently shows to the left of the main product image. I tried to move it to beneath the main product image using css property

flex-direction: row-reverse;

 without any luck.


Can you please help fix this?

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Hello @pramodraam 

Its Artzen Technologies! We will be happy to help you today.


Follow these Steps:

1) Go to Online Store
2) Edit Code
3) Find theme.liquid file

4) Add the following code in the bottom of the file above </body> tag

.gallery__thumbnails.hidden-scroll {
    width: 12%;
.slider--product__holder {
    width: 88%;


Let me know if need further assistance
Artzen Technologies

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Hi It helps set width to thumbnail and product image blocks. Thanks for that, but it doesn't move the thumbnail right below the product image. Please help fix this last issue.

Shopify Partner
552 113 111

Add this:

div.gallery__thumbnails {
order: 2;
div.slider--product__holder {
    order: 1;
    display: flex;
} div {
    order: 3;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
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Artzen Technologies | A Shopify Development Agency
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Thanks, I added the code above which still didn't help. You can check the page at this preview theme.

1 0 0

To showcase Baylen Levine merch effectively, simply rearrange your website layout by moving the thumbnail section block below the main product image for a more engaging shopping experience.

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830 28 75



/* Move product thumbnails beneath the main product image */
.product-thumbnails {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

/* Adjust spacing if needed */
.product-thumbnails img {
    margin-bottom: 10px; /* You can adjust this value to control the spacing between thumbnails */


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