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How to control the max number of product in the cart

How to control the max number of product in the cart

42 0 9

Hi All,


I tried the below code to control of the total number of product added to the cart depends on the shipping profile, tried to add to the main-cart-item.liquid but didn't get any luck, does anyone have another solution to control the number of item added to the card? thanks a lot for your help.



{% assign shipping_profile_limits = {
"Small package": 10,
"Middle Package": 10,
"Large Package": 10,
"Paper package": 100
} %}

{% assign cart_item_counts = {} %}

{% for item in cart.items %}
{% assign shipping_profile = item.product.shipping_profile %}
{% if cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] %}
{% assign cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] = cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] | plus: 1 %}
{% else %}
{% assign cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% assign small_middle_large_count = 0 %}
{% assign paper_package_count = 0 %}

{% for shipping_profile, count in cart_item_counts %}
{% if shipping_profile in ["Small package", "Middle Package", "Large Package"] %}
{% assign small_middle_large_count = small_middle_large_count | plus: count %}
{% elsif shipping_profile == "Paper package" %}
{% assign paper_package_count = count %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if small_middle_large_count > 10 or paper_package_count > 100 %}
<div class="error-message">
You have reached the maximum number of products allowed in your cart.
{% if small_middle_large_count > 10 %}
You can only add up to 10 products from Small, Middle, and Large packages combined.
{% endif %}
{% if paper_package_count > 100 %}
You can only add up to 100 products from Paper packages.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}




Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
764 67 112

The code you provided should generally work

refined version of the code to control the total number of products added to the cart based on shipping profiles:


{% assign shipping_profile_limits = {
  "Small package": 10,
  "Middle Package": 10,
  "Large Package": 10,
  "Paper package": 100
} %}

{% assign cart_item_counts = {} %}

{% for item in cart.items %}
  {% assign shipping_profile = item.product.shipping_profile %}
  {% if cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] %}
    {% assign cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] = cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] | plus: item.quantity %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] = item.quantity %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% assign error_message = "" %}

{% for shipping_profile, limit in shipping_profile_limits %}
  {% if cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] and cart_item_counts[shipping_profile] > limit %}
    {% assign error_message = "You have exceeded the limit for " | append: shipping_profile | append: " (max: " | append: limit | append: " items)." %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if error_message != "" %}
  <div class="error-message">
    {{ error_message }}
{% endif %}


Place this code in the relevant section where you handle the cart updates or display messages to users

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