How to disable the 'create account' option on Studio theme to prevent spam?

How to disable the 'create account' option on Studio theme to prevent spam?

20 0 11

Good evening,

We would like to remove/hide the "create account" option on Studio theme as we don't want to use this feature and we are getting insane spam and bots coming from that precise page.

We've read we have to use the customers/registers.liquid and login.liquid, but we don't know what to edit.

Could you  please help us?

Thanks a lot

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
63 2 12

Hi @Fenriz 


I can help you out with this, if you reach out to me through my website or the personal messages on the Shopify forums I can give you a quote for the time it will take to remove the feature.

Dom Tripodi | Sanico Software
I am a Software Engineer and Shopify Expert based in Adelaide, Australia. I build ecommerce websites with Shopify for local and international businesses. If you want to take your Shopify store to the next level, send me a message. Check out Sanico Software here.