How to Hide Metafields Product Variant Assigned

How to Hide Metafields Product Variant Assigned

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Hi Fellow Shopify Developer
Would like to ask regarding with my issue about metafield named with Variant Archive = True, I got lots of products here on shopify, and some of products has Variants as well. My concern is some of variants aren't available on this season, so I assign them into metafields (see the image below). Now I want all product Variants who assign in Metafield with a name type of "Variant Archive = true" are going to hide in front-end page.

I hope anyone can help me with this Issue.. thank you

Here's the screen shot image stock:



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
25 2 1

You need to change the code and apply the appropriate condition show that certain variant  not showing in storefont.