How to implement Lazy Loading Images


How to implement Lazy Loading Images

19 1 2

Hello Shopify,

Our Website is showing Core Web Vitals as need improving for Mobile - Specifically INP LCP - Will implementing lazy loading Images help with this and if so how do you go about doing that? Or is there anything else I should be looking at and how important is this?


Best Wishes



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Did it resolve the issue with the LCP?

I have just checked the score on Google Page Speed Insights, which is slightly improved.


There are still many things to improve here.


For that, you can consider hiring a Shopify developer.


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Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

Hi @TimboH3at5 
Please share the store URL so I can get a better idea. If you get an LCP issue you need to make the image not load lazy as it will increase LCP the issue.

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Thanks @Huptech-Web 


Shopify shows the below and GSC shows Need improvement on INP issue: longer than 200 ms (mobile) & LCP issue: longer than 2.5s (mobile)

Screenshot 2024-08-29 125907.jpg

Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

Hi @TimboH3at5 
I checked the score on Google Page Speed Insights and it shows the webvitals are passed


Here you can check how Shopify measures it:


Also, Remove lazyload from the images on the top banner to improve LCP.👇



Thank you



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Thanks @Huptech-Web but performance on mobile is poor? 


So removing Lazy loading is the answer?? How would you suggest doing this?

Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

Hi @TimboH3at5 
Only remove the lazyloading from the images I have suggested, Because LCP elements like images or videos on top of any pages need to load immediately. So that when the user visits the store they will have a good experience. & not the blank elements.


So, to remove the lazyloading, Search file promo-mosaic-3.liquid & promo-block.liquid in snippets share here so I can update the code.
Or if you find in the file with code something like below 👇

      include 'rimg'
      img: block.settings.image,
      background: true,
      lazy: true,
      size: '1350x1350'

update the value of lazy: true, to lazy: false; 


It will remove the lazyloading from the image.

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Thanks for the advice - I think I have found the section with the code.


There is no code in either with reference to Lazy:true, does this mean there isnt lazy loading? 


BW Tim

Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

HI @TimboH3at5 
Can you share the code so that I can check it.

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I have emailed the with the code

19 1 2

@Huptech-Web Dynamic-promo-mosaic.liquid


Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

Hi @TimboH3at5 
If you check this thread

I have mentioned 2 files another is promo-block.liquid  👈 Can you please check that file also?

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@Huptech-Web promo-grid liquid??

Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

Hi @TimboH3at5 
No, Search for the exact file name promo-block.liquid in Shopify 

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19 1 2

Found it.... and changed 

render 'rimg'
img: block.settings.image,
background: true,
lazy: false,
size: '1350x1350'

Shopify Partner
1047 208 225

This is an accepted solution.



Did it resolve the issue with the LCP?

I have just checked the score on Google Page Speed Insights, which is slightly improved.


There are still many things to improve here.


For that, you can consider hiring a Shopify developer.


We also provide store optimization services, You can find more here:


Thank you.


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