How to Inform Users About a Redirect?

How to Inform Users About a Redirect?

22 1 5

When I remove a product page that is no longer in stock and discontinued, I like to redirect the product page to the corresponding vendor's page. However, I'd like to inform the user they have been redirected. It just happens with no explanation, so they think they're going to land on a product page for a specific craft machine, but they land on the brand's page where we showcase all their products, not the specific product the user wanted to find...


How do I include some dynamic messaging to a user who is redirected so I can tell them something like, "We're sorry that product is discontinued, but maybe you can find a satisfactory replacement here." with maybe a coupon code included.


How can I make this happen?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
830 28 75



Hope this will help


There are two solutions from my side

  • Create custom page.redirect.liquid template to include dynamic messaging and redirect users to the vendor's page.
  • Use Shopify’s URL redirect feature and add a message directly on the vendor's page.
    Message added to vendor's page using Shopify feature
<div class="alert alert-info">
  <h2>Important Notice</h2>
  <p>The product you were looking for has been discontinued. We recommend checking out other great products from this vendor below.</p>
  <p>As a thank you for your understanding, here is a <strong>10% discount</strong> on your next purchase!</p>
  <p><strong>Coupon Code: DISCONTINUED10</strong></p>


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22 1 5

Thank you for your response. I don't even know how to begin creating a custom page.redirect.liquid template, so I guess I'll ask about your 2nd sounds like you are saying Shopify has a URL redirect feature that can apply messaging for me? What is the name of the feature? I'm looking at Online Store > Navigation > URL Redirects and there is no option for messaging. Just "Redirect from" and "Redirect to" are the 2 fields I can edit.


Or did I misunderstand you and you're saying add non-dynamic messaging to each vendor page that shows for every kind of visitor, not just redirected traffic?