How to release a theme app extension with the node based CLI

How to release a theme app extension with the node based CLI

Shopify Partner
7 1 4

I've previously been using the `shopify-cli` ruby gem to release my theme app extension.


To do that I had a `.env` file in the `theme-app-extension` directory that was generated by the CLI tool, and then I ran `shopify extension push` to push the gem to Shopify.


I can still run `shopify extension push` but then when I get to the release page it complains that I'm not able to release that new version until I update the CLI. (This requirement to be using a particular CLI version seems unnecessary given the fact that Shopify accepts the push via `shopify extension push`.)


I've looked into the new node base tool, but the command set has changed and I don't find anything with any obvious correlation to `shopify extension push` from the Ruby CLI.

Given that I already have a working theme app extension in production, and have been able to push and test new updates in my development app, what's the shortest path to being able to release a new version to production?

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