How to remove unwanted information from Avis packing slips?

How to remove unwanted information from Avis packing slips?

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I have noticed for the last couple months that when I print a packing slip, under my option set (I use Avis) there is a line item that says "_has_apo:true" and it prints out under each item on every order. How can I remove this? I am not even sure how it happened because nothing else has changed. I have also been using the Avis option sets long before this issue began as well. I would love help on figuring out how to remove it!!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2428 259 540

Hey, @taymae 


Just to confirm, are you using the third party app called Avis: Discounted Shipping rates? 


If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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