I need help: I can not manually add products to page instead of using collections

I need help: I can not manually add products to page instead of using collections

2 0 0

I can not manually add products to page instead of using collections. My  theme has just one "featured product" option that i can upload only one product to this block. I want to manually add a few products on same block as we can do with "featured collections".

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
169 12 23

Hey @umutgecgil this is Qasim a Sr. Shopif developer and Official shopify partner.

Could you please share your store URL as well as password so that I analyze the issue.

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With screen shots its more clear here what i mention . When i try to add a product section on my page, i am limited to choose a "featured collection" or  "featured product block". 


As far as i know, i have to create a collection of products for "featured collection" block. And for "featured product block" i don't need to create a collection or something, i can randomly choose a product and showcase. But i can choose and showcase here just ONE product, not more.
What i want is to choose randomly and showcase a few products in a block. But there is  no "featured productS" option. I hope its more clear now Ekran görüntüsü 2025-01-19 155146.pngEkran görüntüsü 2025-01-19 160053.png 


Shopify Partner
169 12 23

Oh got it. Actually there is a limit value used in your theme file. In order to do that I need to take a look on your theme file and increase it limit.

So please p/m me so that I fix that.


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Shopify Partner
37 1 5

You can manually add multiple products to the "featured product" block in your Shopify theme by using custom code. Here's a detailed solution:

  1. Go to your Shopify Admin and open the Online Store > Themes section.

  2. Find your active theme and click Actions > Edit Code.

  3. Locate the template for the page or section you’re trying to edit. It might be something like product.liquid, index.liquid, or a section file such as featured-product.liquid or featured-collections.liquid.

  4. Identify the Featured Product Code:
    Look for the section of the code that is handling the "Featured Product" block. It may look like this:

    {% section 'featured-product' %}

    Or, you might find a code snippet like:

    {% for product in collections['featured'].products %} <!-- Product details here --> {% endfor %}
  5. Modify for Multiple Products:
    You can modify this to display multiple products manually by using specific product handles. For example, instead of pulling from a collection, you can list individual products like this:



{% assign product_1 = all_products['product-handle-1'] %}
{% assign product_2 = all_products['product-handle-2'] %}
{% assign product_3 = all_products['product-handle-3'] %}

<div class="custom-featured-products">
  <div class="product">
    <a href="{{ product_1.url }}">
      <img src="{{ product_1.featured_image | img_url: 'medium' }}" alt="{{ product_1.title }}">
      <p>{{ product_1.title }}</p>
  <div class="product">
    <a href="{{ product_2.url }}">
      <img src="{{ product_2.featured_image | img_url: 'medium' }}" alt="{{ product_2.title }}">
      <p>{{ product_2.title }}</p>
  <div class="product">
    <a href="{{ product_3.url }}">
      <img src="{{ product_3.featured_image | img_url: 'medium' }}" alt="{{ product_3.title }}">
      <p>{{ product_3.title }}</p>


  • Style the Block:
    You can use custom CSS to make sure the products display well in the block. Add styles like:



.custom-featured-products {
  display: flex;
  gap: 20px;

.custom-featured-products .product {
  text-align: center;

.custom-featured-products .product img {
  max-width: 100%;


  • Save the Changes:
    After adding the code and styles, save the file and refresh your store to see the changes.

This approach allows you to manually add multiple products to the block instead of being limited to a single product. Just replace the product handles (product-handle-1, product-handle-2, etc.) with the actual handles of the products you want to feature.

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