I set the Product categroy from API but it is going into Suggestion state

I set the Product categroy from API but it is going into Suggestion state

Shopify Partner
10 0 3



I used the ProductTaxonomyNode GraphQL mutation to update the Product Category field for all my products by identifying the relevant Product Taxonomy ID and using it as the payload for the product ID in the API.



This process worked okay, and all of my products were updated. However, they all went into Suggestion mode, meaning I will need to manually accept the suggestion submitted by the GraphQL API for each product. I am confused and unable to understand why this happened.





I would like to set the Product Category directly via the API without having to accept each suggestion manually, as manually approving over 15,000 products would be impractical.


Does anyone have any insights on this issue or can offer some assistance? Thanks.

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Did you figure it out?