Re: I try change the favicon of my theme, get this error: "File name must be the ID of an image

I try change the favicon of my theme, get this error: "File name must be the ID of an image setting"

Shopify Partner
2 0 2

I am using a custom theme, not dawn or something, and whenever I go to the favicon and lick change, I select an image, try and change it, but it gives my this error message "File name must be the ID of an image setting." Any idea what this means?

Replies 13 (13)

2 0 0

I'm getting this error also. So frustrating

2 0 0

I was getting this yesterday and was told by Shopify customer service that there was an issue on their end, and later told that it was resolved. However, I tried again today and am still getting the message. Hopefully they actually get it fixed soon.

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

This usually means you are calling the wrong ID from your schema. For example assuming your schema looks something like this.


{% schema %}

"name": "favicon",
"settings": [
"type": "image_picker",
"id": "favicon_img",
"label": "Favicon"

{% endschema %}



Then wherever you are rendering this you need to use the ID from the favicon settings like this.


<img src="{{ section.settings.favicon_img | img_url: 'master' }}" />


Shopify Partner
2 0 2

Thank you, where should I use the <img > code? what file should I put it in?


Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Did you generate a favicon image? If so you can render this inside the head tag of your theme.liquid file. 

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

ok but WHAT DO WE DO?


1 0 0

We are also having this issue, hoping Shopify can update soon since we have a product launch today

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

Is this a new problem?

im getting this error on my Fastor Theme. Can change my main logo. tried to upload. tried to changed the fileformat.. cant change the URL.

Cant actually upload any logos for the other formats like Apple Retina.

New Member
8 0 0

This just started happening to us too when trying to simply update our home page slider images.  Shopify was of no help (blamed it on custom coding which we haven't changed in a long time).  Help!

11 0 3

I am unable to upload an image to my homepage, after being able to do this easily for years. I was able to upload a new image to the product page, but when I try to upload it to the home page, I get the same error message: File Name Must Be The ID Of An Image Setting. The recommended fix makes no sense to me. Please explain it. I have not done anything to my code, nor do I want to.  

8 0 1

Same error here for days. Can't update my website's logo/favicon. "File name must be the ID of an image setting."


Has anyone discovered a fix?

3 0 0

same here, help!

2 0 0

After several back and forths with customer service, I have at least a temporary and not-ideal solution. This worked for slide images, but I'm sure it would work for other images as well.

  1. Access the Code Editor by selecting "Edit code" from the theme menu.
  2. Scroll to the Assets folder and click "Add a new asset"
  3. Upload the asset with the image file name changed to however the theme would change it. So, if it's for the second slide on your home page, it should be renamed "slideshow_2.jpg

That worked for me, though it's a pain compared to just being able to upload the image from the theme settings itself. I was told this is happening because we are using a deprecated theme (Minimal), but that doesn't explain why it just started happening last Thursday.