I want to add 4 options with their own separate variants for a product...

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I would like to have 4 options for a product with their own separate variants. For example, I would like to have one option to be Diffuser Bracelet: jade, jasper, apatite, etc. And then anther option for the customer to pick the Size: 6.5, 7, 7.5


Does this make sense? Is this possible?

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Hi @liza77,

I really don't get it, with your description it only needs to create 2 options for it. 1 option is Diffuser Bracelet and 1 option is Size, then you can create variants that combine these 2 options. Refer https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/products/variants/add-variants#add-variants-while-youre-creating-...

Hope it helps!


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