Discuss and resolve questions on Liquid, JavaScript, themes, sales channels, and site speed enhancements.
I have removed the code témplante product point liquid, there is some way to recover this?, it affects the page a lot?, in the section part there are product-template point liquid this is the same as template - product point liquid ?
I need help please, Cesar
Hi Ceasar,
Hope you were able to solve this issue. If not, follow these steps:
The product.liquid is your product page through access to the product liquid product page.
{% comment %}
The contents of the product.liquid template can be found in /sections/product-template.liquid
{% endcomment %}
{% section 'product-template' %}
{% section 'product-recommendations' %}
<div id="backToCollection"></div>
// Override default values of shop.strings for each template.
// Alternate product templates can change values of
// add to cart button, sold out, and unavailable states here.
theme.productStrings = {
addToCart: {{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t | json }},
soldOut: {{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t | json }},
unavailable: {{ 'products.product.unavailable' | t | json }}
if(sessionStorage.backToCollection) {
theme.backToCollection = {};
theme.backToCollection.collection = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.backToCollection);
var productCollections = {{ product.collections | json }};
var showCollection = false;
if (productCollections) {
productCollections.forEach(function(collection) {
if (collection.title === theme.backToCollection.collection.title) {
showCollection = true;
if(showCollection) {
var backToCollectionHTML = '<div class="text-center return-link-wrapper page-width"><a href="' + theme.backToCollection.collection.link + '" class="btn btn--secondary btn--has-icon-before">{% include 'icon-arrow-left' %}{{ 'products.product.back_to_collection' | t }} ' + theme.backToCollection.collection.title + '</a></div>';
var backToCollectionContainer = document.getElementById('backToCollection');
backToCollectionContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', backToCollectionHTML);
{% assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "http://schema.org/",
"@type": "Product",
"name": {{ product.title | json }},
"url": {{ shop.url | append: product.url | json }},
{%- if product.featured_media -%}
{%- assign media_size = product.featured_media.preview_image.width | append: 'x' -%}
"image": [
{{ product.featured_media | img_url: media_size | prepend: "https:" | json }}
{%- endif -%}
"description": {{ product.description | strip_html | json }},
{%- if current_variant.sku != blank -%}
"sku": {{ current_variant.sku | json }},
{%- endif -%}
"brand": {
"@type": "Thing",
"name": {{ product.vendor | json }}
"offers": [
{%- for variant in product.variants -%}
"@type" : "Offer",
{%- if variant.sku != blank -%}
"sku": {{ variant.sku | json }},
{%- endif -%}
"availability" : "http://schema.org/{% if variant.available %}InStock{% else %}OutOfStock{% endif %}",
"price" : {{ variant.price | divided_by: 100.00 | json }},
"priceCurrency" : {{ cart.currency.iso_code | json }},
"url" : {{ shop.url | append: variant.url | json }}
}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{%- endfor -%}
If you not too comfortable navigating the admin, I already did the first few steps. Just create a new product.liquid in your theme and paste this in and you're good.
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