Inventory Status

Inventory Status

3 0 0

How do I add the same Inventory Status thats on my products to the home page as well? 

Replies 3 (3)

180 26 38

Hi @Mybagobsession , thank you for posting here!

You can follow my instructions below:

  1. Go to the Theme Editor:

    • Log in to Shopify.
    • Navigate to Online Store > Themes.
    • Click Actions > Edit Code for your active theme.
  2. Locate the Homepage Section Code:

    • In the code editor, find the file for the homepage sections. Look for a file like:
      • index.liquid
      • sections/featured-collection.liquid
      • sections/product-grid.liquid (depending on how your homepage is built).
  3. Add Inventory Status Code:

    • Within the relevant product loop (for product in collection.products or similar), add the following code to display the inventory status:
    {% if product.variants.first.inventory_quantity > 0 %}
      <p class="inventory-status">In Stock: {{ product.variants.first.inventory_quantity }} items</p>
    {% else %}
      <p class="inventory-status">Out of Stock</p>
    {% endif %}

    This checks the inventory of the first variant of each product and displays whether the item is in stock or out of stock.

  4. Style the Inventory Status:

    • To make the inventory status visually appealing, add some CSS to your theme's assets/theme.css or assets/style.css file:

      .inventory-status {
        font-size: 14px;
        color: green;
      .inventory-status.out-of-stock {
        color: red;
    • Optionally, add the class out-of-stock for styling when an item is out of stock.

  5. Save and Preview:

    • Save your changes and preview the homepage to confirm the inventory status is displayed.
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I'm sorry but I know nothing about coding.
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Unfortunately, this is not what I was talking about. I'm talking about inventory status. Not in stock & out of stock status.