Itterating variable name in loop to access values.

Itterating variable name in loop to access values.

Shopify Partner
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Hey all, I've seen similar questions to this but I have a catch - my loop index needs modifying.


I have a query returning values for "bundle_child_01" through "bundle_child_10", and instead of 10 if statements, thought I'd try a single for loop... 





{% for i in (1..10) %}
  {% capture var %} variant.bundle_child_{{ i | prepend: '00' | slice: -2, 2 }}.value {% endcapture %}




What am I doing wrong? No amount of checking [var] or var is returning anything but nulls or just the variable name, not it's value. 


Weirdly, this works in theory: 




{% assign child_02 = "gid://tewtewt" %}
{% for i in (1..10) %}
  {% capture var %}child_{{ i | prepend: '00' | slice: -2, 2 }}{% endcapture %}
  {% if [var] %}
      "{{ [var] }}"
  {% endif %}
{%- endfor %}




In this case, [var] is gid://tewtewt. So what gives? 




EDIT: Gave up. Did the below instead, much simpler 😛


			{% assign bundle_child_array = array %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[0] = variant.bundle_child_01.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[1] = variant.bundle_child_02.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[2] = variant.bundle_child_03.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[3] = variant.bundle_child_04.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[4] = variant.bundle_child_05.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[5] = variant.bundle_child_06.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[6] = variant.bundle_child_07.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[7] = variant.bundle_child_08.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[8] = variant.bundle_child_09.value %}
			{% assign bundle_child_array[9] = variant.bundle_child_10.value %}

			{% for bundle_child in bundle_child_array %}
Replies 2 (2)

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830 28 75



If your variables (e.g., bundle_child_01, bundle_child_02, etc.) are stored as an array or a collection, it’s much easier to loop through them.

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Unfortunately they’re individual product references, as I ultimately need them as keyval pairs (reference, quantity) but no easy support for this in metafields (there’s mixed ref list but I don’t fancy spending a month learning how to use it 😋 looping through the individual values above took me a whole day to figure out as it is 😭).