Re: Link product metafield to Orders -section

Link product metafield to Orders -section

Shopify Partner
242 4 42



We are adding a metafield called "shelf location" to our products. This would make finding the product on the shelf easier when picking orders.

How can we add a metafield to a product that will also be visible with the order in Shopify admin?


Practically speaking, when an order comes in, the packer can see the shelf location of the product on the "Orders" page?

SKU and barcode are already reserved for another purpose.


Do you have any other suggestions for implementing this?

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
301 34 43

Hi @Kjankko-US ,

Welcome to Shopify Community.


You can add a metafield, name Shelf Location on variants of the products.

Then, you can add specific shelfs on each variants.

When you receive an order for the variants, you can click on the product and view the shelf data on meta field section (named: Shelf Location in this case).

Is that what you were looking for?

Please let me know if it was something else that you were looking for.


Thank you.




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Shopify Partner
242 4 42

I added a variant metafield, named "Shelf location".







What should I do to make that Shelf location (=15 106) – visible in the "Orders" section (i.e. "Order note")?

Shopify Partner
242 4 42

Forgot to tag you @Sajat.

Shopify Partner
177 37 35

You can find it in the file related to the product page, which may be main-product.liquid or buy-button.liquid
{%- form 'product',
id: product_form_id
{%- endform %}
Add the code.

{%- form 'product',
id: product_form_id

<input type="hidden" name="properties[location]" value="{{ product.metafields.custom.shelft_location}}"/>

{%- endform %}


Shopify Partner
242 4 42

@wo What does this script do?

Shopify Partner
177 37 35

This code will make the shelf location you filled in appear in the product attributes of the order.

Shopify Partner
242 4 42

Okay, that would be great.

What if I don't have that code on my theme? Is there any other place in the product-template where it can be added?

{%- form 'product',
id: product_form_id
{%- endform %}