Logo image element does not have explicit width and height

Logo image element does not have explicit width and height

36 0 3

I use the Out Of The Sandbox Turbo theme and Page Speed Insights keeps telling me Logo image element does not have explicit width and height. Can someone tell me how to fix this. What to put and where to put it exactly so that will take care of both desktop and mobile? Help is greatly appreciated. As of now when I use inspect my logo on the header shows 

Rendered size: 205 × 47 px

Rendered aspect ratio: 205∶47

Intrinsic size: 400 × 91 px

Intrinsic aspect ratio: 400∶91 

Rendered size: 119 × 27 px

Rendered aspect ratio: 119∶27

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hii, @Jeffro1234 
Kindly share your store URL and a screenshot of your problem so,
I can solve your problem and give you a proper solution.
Thank You.