Loop over actionData to create Polaris components

Loop over actionData to create Polaris components

Shopify Partner
17 1 2

I have a Polaris form that generates a list of strings when submitted.


export default function Index() {
return (
breadcrumbs={[{ content: "Products", url: "/products" }]}
primaryAction={{ content: "Save", disabled: false, onAction: handleSave }}>
const submit = useSubmit();
async function handleSave() {
submit("", { method: "post" });
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
I want to do this with the Polaris components, but can't figure out how to loop over the actionData and create a text object for each item in the returned actionData:
export default function Index() {
return (
breadcrumbs={[{ content: "Products", url: "/products" }]}
primaryAction={{ content: "Save", disabled: false, onAction: handleSave }}>
for (const letter of actionData) {
<Text variant="bodySm" as="p">
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