Discuss and resolve questions on Liquid, JavaScript, themes, sales channels, and site speed enhancements.
Hi! So I used the help on this page: Solved: Re: Move View All to Collection Name line - Dawn 14.0.0 - Shopify Community to get the view all to the same line as the collection title in Dawn 14.0.0. However, now the lining is off. Is there code that will allow me to change the height of the collection title more down, if and only if there is a view more for that featured collection on the homepage? Please refer to the picture:
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
1. Go to 'Online Store' -> Theme -> Edit Code
2. In the sections folder locate the file 'featured-collection.liquid'
3. Copy the above's file contents
4. In the sections folder create a new file called 'featured-collection-backup.liquid'
5. Paste the contents inside the new file
6. Go to 'featured-collection.liquid' file
7. Just before this element
<div class="collection__title title-wrapper title-wrapper--no-top-margin page-width{% if show_mobile_slider %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} collection__title--desktop-slider{% endif %}">
Add the below code
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="my-title-view-all-container">
{% endif %}
So after adding the code it should look like this
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="my-title-view-all-container">
{% endif %}
<div class="collection__title title-wrapper title-wrapper--no-top-margin page-width{% if show_mobile_slider %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} collection__title--desktop-slider{% endif %}">
8. Now just after this code
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="right collection__view-all" {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
href="{{ section.settings.collection.url }}"
class="{% if section.settings.view_all_style == 'link' %}link underlined-link{% elsif section.settings.view_all_style == 'solid' %}button{% else %}button button--secondary{% endif %}"
aria-label="{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all_label' | t: collection_name: section.settings.collection.title | escape }}"
{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all' | t }}
{% endif %}
Add this code
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
{% endif %}
So after everything it should look like this
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="my-title-view-all-container">
{% endif %}
<div class="collection__title title-wrapper title-wrapper--no-top-margin page-width{% if show_mobile_slider %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} collection__title--desktop-slider{% endif %}">
{% if section.settings.title != blank %}
<h2 class="title inline-richtext {{ section.settings.heading_size }}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
{{ section.settings.title }}
{% endif %}
{% if section.settings.description != blank or section.settings.show_description and section.settings.collection.description != empty %}
<div class="collection__description {{ section.settings.description_style }} rte{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
{% if section.settings.show_description %}
{{ section.settings.collection.description }}
{% else %}
{{ section.settings.description }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="right collection__view-all" {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
href="{{ section.settings.collection.url }}"
class="{% if section.settings.view_all_style == 'link' %}link underlined-link{% elsif section.settings.view_all_style == 'solid' %}button{% else %}button button--secondary{% endif %}"
aria-label="{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all_label' | t: collection_name: section.settings.collection.title | escape }}"
{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all' | t }}
{% endif %}
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
{% endif %}
9. Now you will have to add some css to make it look nice
1. In the assets folder of your themes' code locate the file 'base.css'
2. At the bottom of the file add the below code
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px;
.collection__title.title-wrapper.title-wrapper--no-top-margin.page-width.title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down {
flex: 1;
margin-bottom: 0;
.right.collection__view-all {
flex: 1;
h2.title.inline-richtext.h0.scroll-trigger.animate--slide-in {
margin-bottom: 0;
Please if it doesn't work. Show me the code changes you made so I can help you instantly.
Could please share your store's URL?
@WalkYourStyle I believe what I need is a code that moves the collection name down only if there is a view more on that featured collection, if that kind of code is possible.
I found the solution to this. Can you please share your 'featured-collection.liquid' code so I can help you further?
@WalkYourStyle here it is:
{{ 'component-card.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-slider.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'template-collection.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{% if section.settings.image_shape == 'blob' %}
{{ 'mask-blobs.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- unless section.settings.quick_add == 'none' -%}
{{ 'quick-add.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
<script src="{{ 'product-form.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endunless -%}
{%- if section.settings.quick_add == 'standard' -%}
<script src="{{ 'quick-add.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.quick_add == 'bulk' -%}
<script src="{{ 'quick-add-bulk.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'quick-order-list.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'quantity-popover.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'price-per-item.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endif -%}
{%- style -%}
.section-{{ section.id }}-padding {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.section-{{ section.id }}-padding {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom }}px;
{%- endstyle -%}
{%- liquid
assign products_to_display = section.settings.collection.all_products_count
if section.settings.collection.all_products_count > section.settings.products_to_show
assign products_to_display = section.settings.products_to_show
assign more_in_collection = true
assign columns_mobile_int = section.settings.columns_mobile | plus: 0
assign show_mobile_slider = false
if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile and products_to_display > columns_mobile_int
assign show_mobile_slider = true
assign show_desktop_slider = false
if section.settings.enable_desktop_slider and products_to_display > section.settings.columns_desktop
assign show_desktop_slider = true
class="color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} isolate gradient"
class="collection{% if section.settings.quick_add == 'bulk' %} collection-quick-add-bulk{% endif %} section-{{ section.id }}-padding{% if section.settings.full_width %} collection--full-width{% endif %}"
id="collection-{{ section.id }}"
data-id="{{ section.id }}"
<div class="collection__title title-wrapper title-wrapper--no-top-margin page-width{% if show_mobile_slider %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} collection__title--desktop-slider{% endif %}">
{%- if section.settings.title != blank -%}
<h2 class="title inline-richtext {{ section.settings.heading_size }}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
{{ section.settings.title }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.description != blank
or section.settings.show_description
and section.settings.collection.description != empty
<div class="collection__description {{ section.settings.description_style }} rte{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
{%- if section.settings.show_description -%}
{{ section.settings.collection.description }}
{%- else -%}
{{ section.settings.description -}}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection -%}
<div class="right collection__view-all" {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
href="{{ section.settings.collection.url }}"
class="{% if section.settings.view_all_style == 'link' %}link underlined-link{% elsif section.settings.view_all_style == 'solid' %}button{% else %}button button--secondary{% endif %}"
aria-label="{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all_label' | t: collection_name: section.settings.collection.title | escape }}"
{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
<slider-component class="slider-mobile-gutter{% if section.settings.full_width %} slider-component-full-width{% endif %}{% if show_mobile_slider == false %} page-width{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider == false and section.settings.full_width == false %} page-width-desktop{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} slider-component-desktop{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
id="Slider-{{ section.id }}"
data-id="{{ section.id }}"
class="grid product-grid contains-card contains-card--product{% if settings.card_style == 'standard' %} contains-card--standard{% endif %} grid--{{ section.settings.columns_desktop }}-col-desktop{% if section.settings.collection == blank %} grid--2-col-tablet-down{% else %} grid--{{ section.settings.columns_mobile }}-col-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_mobile_slider or show_desktop_slider %} slider{% if show_desktop_slider %} slider--desktop{% endif %}{% if show_mobile_slider %} slider--tablet grid--peek{% endif %}{% endif %}"
aria-label="{{ 'general.slider.name' | t }}"
{%- for product in section.settings.collection.products limit: section.settings.products_to_show -%}
id="Slide-{{ section.id }}-{{ forloop.index }}"
class="grid__item{% if show_mobile_slider or show_desktop_slider %} slider__slide{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
{% endif %}
{% render 'card-product',
card_product: product,
media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
image_shape: section.settings.image_shape,
show_secondary_image: section.settings.show_secondary_image,
show_vendor: section.settings.show_vendor,
show_rating: section.settings.show_rating,
section_id: section.id,
quick_add: section.settings.quick_add
{%- else -%}
{%- for i in (1..section.settings.columns_desktop) -%}
class="grid__item{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
{% endif %}
{% liquid
assign ridx = forloop.rindex
case ridx
when 5
assign ridx = 1
when 6
assign ridx = 2
{%- assign placeholder_image = 'product-apparel-' | append: ridx -%}
{% render 'card-product',
show_vendor: section.settings.show_vendor,
media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
image_shape: section.settings.image_shape,
placeholder_image: placeholder_image
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if show_mobile_slider or show_desktop_slider -%}
<div class="slider-buttons">
class="slider-button slider-button--prev"
aria-label="{{ 'general.slider.previous_slide' | t }}"
aria-controls="Slider-{{ section.id }}"
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div class="slider-counter caption">
<span class="slider-counter--current">1</span>
<span aria-hidden="true"> / </span>
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.slider.of' | t }}</span>
<span class="slider-counter--total">{{ products_to_display }}</span>
class="slider-button slider-button--next"
aria-label="{{ 'general.slider.next_slide' | t }}"
aria-controls="Slider-{{ section.id }}"
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
{%- endif -%}
{% if section.settings.image_shape == 'arch' %}
{% render 'mask-arch' %}
{%- endif -%}
{% schema %}
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"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__1.label"
"value": "h1",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__2.label"
"value": "h0",
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"default": "h1",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.label"
"type": "richtext",
"id": "description",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_description",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_description.label",
"default": false
"type": "select",
"id": "description_style",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description_style.label",
"options": [
"value": "body",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description_style.options__1.label"
"value": "subtitle",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description_style.options__2.label"
"value": "uppercase",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description_style.options__3.label"
"default": "body"
"type": "collection",
"id": "collection",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.collection.label"
"type": "range",
"id": "products_to_show",
"min": 2,
"max": 25,
"step": 1,
"default": 4,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.products_to_show.label"
"type": "range",
"id": "columns_desktop",
"min": 1,
"max": 6,
"step": 1,
"default": 4,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.columns_desktop.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "full_width",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.full_width.label",
"default": false
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_view_all",
"default": true,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_view_all.label"
"type": "select",
"id": "view_all_style",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.view_all_style.label",
"options": [
"value": "link",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.view_all_style.options__1.label"
"value": "outline",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.view_all_style.options__2.label"
"value": "solid",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.view_all_style.options__3.label"
"default": "solid"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "enable_desktop_slider",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.enable_desktop_slider.label",
"default": false
"type": "color_scheme",
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"info": "t:sections.all.colors.has_cards_info",
"default": "scheme-1"
"type": "header",
"content": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.header.content"
"type": "select",
"id": "image_ratio",
"options": [
"value": "adapt",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.image_ratio.options__1.label"
"value": "portrait",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.image_ratio.options__2.label"
"value": "square",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.image_ratio.options__3.label"
"default": "adapt",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.image_ratio.label"
"type": "select",
"id": "image_shape",
"options": [
"value": "default",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__1.label"
"value": "arch",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__2.label"
"value": "blob",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__3.label"
"value": "chevronleft",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__4.label"
"value": "chevronright",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__5.label"
"value": "diamond",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__6.label"
"value": "parallelogram",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__7.label"
"value": "round",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__8.label"
"default": "default",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.label",
"info": "t:sections.all.image_shape.info"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_secondary_image",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_secondary_image.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_vendor",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_vendor.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_rating",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_rating.label",
"info": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_rating.info"
"type": "select",
"id": "quick_add",
"default": "none",
"label": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.label",
"info": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.info",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"label": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.options.option_1"
"value": "standard",
"label": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.options.option_2"
"value": "bulk",
"label": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.options.option_3"
"type": "header",
"content": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.header_mobile.content"
"type": "select",
"id": "columns_mobile",
"default": "2",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.columns_mobile.label",
"options": [
"value": "1",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.columns_mobile.options__1.label"
"value": "2",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.columns_mobile.options__2.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "swipe_on_mobile",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.swipe_on_mobile.label"
"type": "header",
"content": "t:sections.all.padding.section_padding_heading"
"type": "range",
"id": "padding_top",
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"step": 4,
"unit": "px",
"label": "t:sections.all.padding.padding_top",
"default": 36
"type": "range",
"id": "padding_bottom",
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"step": 4,
"unit": "px",
"label": "t:sections.all.padding.padding_bottom",
"default": 36
"presets": [
"name": "t:sections.featured-collection.presets.name"
{% endschema %}
Can you please provide me again the code but use the 'Code sample' in the reply. Click on the 3 dots and then click on the '</>' symbol and paste the code
{{ 'component-card.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-slider.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'template-collection.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{% if section.settings.image_shape == 'blob' %}
{{ 'mask-blobs.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- unless section.settings.quick_add == 'none' -%}
{{ 'quick-add.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
<script src="{{ 'product-form.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endunless -%}
{%- if section.settings.quick_add == 'standard' -%}
<script src="{{ 'quick-add.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.quick_add == 'bulk' -%}
<script src="{{ 'quick-add-bulk.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'quick-order-list.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'quantity-popover.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'price-per-item.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endif -%}
{%- style -%}
.section-{{ section.id }}-padding {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.section-{{ section.id }}-padding {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom }}px;
{%- endstyle -%}
{%- liquid
assign products_to_display = section.settings.collection.all_products_count
if section.settings.collection.all_products_count > section.settings.products_to_show
assign products_to_display = section.settings.products_to_show
assign more_in_collection = true
assign columns_mobile_int = section.settings.columns_mobile | plus: 0
assign show_mobile_slider = false
if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile and products_to_display > columns_mobile_int
assign show_mobile_slider = true
assign show_desktop_slider = false
if section.settings.enable_desktop_slider and products_to_display > section.settings.columns_desktop
assign show_desktop_slider = true
class="color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} isolate gradient"
class="collection{% if section.settings.quick_add == 'bulk' %} collection-quick-add-bulk{% endif %} section-{{ section.id }}-padding{% if section.settings.full_width %} collection--full-width{% endif %}"
id="collection-{{ section.id }}"
data-id="{{ section.id }}"
<div class="collection__title title-wrapper title-wrapper--no-top-margin page-width{% if show_mobile_slider %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} collection__title--desktop-slider{% endif %}">
{%- if section.settings.title != blank -%}
<h2 class="title inline-richtext {{ section.settings.heading_size }}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
{{ section.settings.title }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.description != blank
or section.settings.show_description
and section.settings.collection.description != empty
<div class="collection__description {{ section.settings.description_style }} rte{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
{%- if section.settings.show_description -%}
{{ section.settings.collection.description }}
{%- else -%}
{{ section.settings.description -}}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection -%}
<div class="right collection__view-all" {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
href="{{ section.settings.collection.url }}"
class="{% if section.settings.view_all_style == 'link' %}link underlined-link{% elsif section.settings.view_all_style == 'solid' %}button{% else %}button button--secondary{% endif %}"
aria-label="{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all_label' | t: collection_name: section.settings.collection.title | escape }}"
{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
<slider-component class="slider-mobile-gutter{% if section.settings.full_width %} slider-component-full-width{% endif %}{% if show_mobile_slider == false %} page-width{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider == false and section.settings.full_width == false %} page-width-desktop{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} slider-component-desktop{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
id="Slider-{{ section.id }}"
data-id="{{ section.id }}"
class="grid product-grid contains-card contains-card--product{% if settings.card_style == 'standard' %} contains-card--standard{% endif %} grid--{{ section.settings.columns_desktop }}-col-desktop{% if section.settings.collection == blank %} grid--2-col-tablet-down{% else %} grid--{{ section.settings.columns_mobile }}-col-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_mobile_slider or show_desktop_slider %} slider{% if show_desktop_slider %} slider--desktop{% endif %}{% if show_mobile_slider %} slider--tablet grid--peek{% endif %}{% endif %}"
aria-label="{{ 'general.slider.name' | t }}"
{%- for product in section.settings.collection.products limit: section.settings.products_to_show -%}
id="Slide-{{ section.id }}-{{ forloop.index }}"
class="grid__item{% if show_mobile_slider or show_desktop_slider %} slider__slide{% endif %}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
{% endif %}
{% render 'card-product',
card_product: product,
media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
image_shape: section.settings.image_shape,
show_secondary_image: section.settings.show_secondary_image,
show_vendor: section.settings.show_vendor,
show_rating: section.settings.show_rating,
section_id: section.id,
quick_add: section.settings.quick_add
{%- else -%}
{%- for i in (1..section.settings.columns_desktop) -%}
class="grid__item{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
{% endif %}
{% liquid
assign ridx = forloop.rindex
case ridx
when 5
assign ridx = 1
when 6
assign ridx = 2
{%- assign placeholder_image = 'product-apparel-' | append: ridx -%}
{% render 'card-product',
show_vendor: section.settings.show_vendor,
media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
image_shape: section.settings.image_shape,
placeholder_image: placeholder_image
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if show_mobile_slider or show_desktop_slider -%}
<div class="slider-buttons">
class="slider-button slider-button--prev"
aria-label="{{ 'general.slider.previous_slide' | t }}"
aria-controls="Slider-{{ section.id }}"
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div class="slider-counter caption">
<span class="slider-counter--current">1</span>
<span aria-hidden="true"> / </span>
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.slider.of' | t }}</span>
<span class="slider-counter--total">{{ products_to_display }}</span>
class="slider-button slider-button--next"
aria-label="{{ 'general.slider.next_slide' | t }}"
aria-controls="Slider-{{ section.id }}"
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
{%- endif -%}
{% if section.settings.image_shape == 'arch' %}
{% render 'mask-arch' %}
{%- endif -%}
{% schema %}
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"default": "h1",
"label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.label"
"type": "richtext",
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"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_description",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_description.label",
"default": false
"type": "select",
"id": "description_style",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description_style.label",
"options": [
"value": "body",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description_style.options__1.label"
"value": "subtitle",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description_style.options__2.label"
"value": "uppercase",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.description_style.options__3.label"
"default": "body"
"type": "collection",
"id": "collection",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.collection.label"
"type": "range",
"id": "products_to_show",
"min": 2,
"max": 25,
"step": 1,
"default": 4,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.products_to_show.label"
"type": "range",
"id": "columns_desktop",
"min": 1,
"max": 6,
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"default": 4,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.columns_desktop.label"
"type": "checkbox",
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"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.full_width.label",
"default": false
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"id": "show_view_all",
"default": true,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_view_all.label"
"type": "select",
"id": "view_all_style",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.view_all_style.label",
"options": [
"value": "link",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.view_all_style.options__1.label"
"value": "outline",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.view_all_style.options__2.label"
"value": "solid",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.view_all_style.options__3.label"
"default": "solid"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "enable_desktop_slider",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.enable_desktop_slider.label",
"default": false
"type": "color_scheme",
"id": "color_scheme",
"label": "t:sections.all.colors.label",
"info": "t:sections.all.colors.has_cards_info",
"default": "scheme-1"
"type": "header",
"content": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.header.content"
"type": "select",
"id": "image_ratio",
"options": [
"value": "adapt",
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"value": "portrait",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.image_ratio.options__2.label"
"value": "square",
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"default": "adapt",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.image_ratio.label"
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"options": [
"value": "default",
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"value": "arch",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__2.label"
"value": "blob",
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"value": "chevronleft",
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"value": "diamond",
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"value": "parallelogram",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__7.label"
"value": "round",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.options__8.label"
"default": "default",
"label": "t:sections.all.image_shape.label",
"info": "t:sections.all.image_shape.info"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_secondary_image",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_secondary_image.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_vendor",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_vendor.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_rating",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_rating.label",
"info": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.show_rating.info"
"type": "select",
"id": "quick_add",
"default": "none",
"label": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.label",
"info": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.info",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"label": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.options.option_1"
"value": "standard",
"label": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.options.option_2"
"value": "bulk",
"label": "t:sections.main-collection-product-grid.settings.quick_add.options.option_3"
"type": "header",
"content": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.header_mobile.content"
"type": "select",
"id": "columns_mobile",
"default": "2",
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"options": [
"value": "1",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.columns_mobile.options__1.label"
"value": "2",
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.columns_mobile.options__2.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "swipe_on_mobile",
"default": false,
"label": "t:sections.featured-collection.settings.swipe_on_mobile.label"
"type": "header",
"content": "t:sections.all.padding.section_padding_heading"
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"default": 36
"presets": [
"name": "t:sections.featured-collection.presets.name"
{% endschema %}
This is an accepted solution.
1. Go to 'Online Store' -> Theme -> Edit Code
2. In the sections folder locate the file 'featured-collection.liquid'
3. Copy the above's file contents
4. In the sections folder create a new file called 'featured-collection-backup.liquid'
5. Paste the contents inside the new file
6. Go to 'featured-collection.liquid' file
7. Just before this element
<div class="collection__title title-wrapper title-wrapper--no-top-margin page-width{% if show_mobile_slider %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} collection__title--desktop-slider{% endif %}">
Add the below code
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="my-title-view-all-container">
{% endif %}
So after adding the code it should look like this
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="my-title-view-all-container">
{% endif %}
<div class="collection__title title-wrapper title-wrapper--no-top-margin page-width{% if show_mobile_slider %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} collection__title--desktop-slider{% endif %}">
8. Now just after this code
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="right collection__view-all" {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
href="{{ section.settings.collection.url }}"
class="{% if section.settings.view_all_style == 'link' %}link underlined-link{% elsif section.settings.view_all_style == 'solid' %}button{% else %}button button--secondary{% endif %}"
aria-label="{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all_label' | t: collection_name: section.settings.collection.title | escape }}"
{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all' | t }}
{% endif %}
Add this code
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
{% endif %}
So after everything it should look like this
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="my-title-view-all-container">
{% endif %}
<div class="collection__title title-wrapper title-wrapper--no-top-margin page-width{% if show_mobile_slider %} title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down{% endif %}{% if show_desktop_slider %} collection__title--desktop-slider{% endif %}">
{% if section.settings.title != blank %}
<h2 class="title inline-richtext {{ section.settings.heading_size }}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
{{ section.settings.title }}
{% endif %}
{% if section.settings.description != blank or section.settings.show_description and section.settings.collection.description != empty %}
<div class="collection__description {{ section.settings.description_style }} rte{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
{% if section.settings.show_description %}
{{ section.settings.collection.description }}
{% else %}
{{ section.settings.description }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
<div class="right collection__view-all" {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}">
href="{{ section.settings.collection.url }}"
class="{% if section.settings.view_all_style == 'link' %}link underlined-link{% elsif section.settings.view_all_style == 'solid' %}button{% else %}button button--secondary{% endif %}"
aria-label="{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all_label' | t: collection_name: section.settings.collection.title | escape }}"
{{ 'sections.featured_collection.view_all' | t }}
{% endif %}
{% if section.settings.show_view_all and more_in_collection %}
{% endif %}
9. Now you will have to add some css to make it look nice
1. In the assets folder of your themes' code locate the file 'base.css'
2. At the bottom of the file add the below code
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px;
.collection__title.title-wrapper.title-wrapper--no-top-margin.page-width.title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down {
flex: 1;
margin-bottom: 0;
.right.collection__view-all {
flex: 1;
h2.title.inline-richtext.h0.scroll-trigger.animate--slide-in {
margin-bottom: 0;
Please if it doesn't work. Show me the code changes you made so I can help you instantly.
@WalkYourStyle it worked on desktop! How do I get it to work on mobile and all other devices? Additionally, should I delete the backup file or just keep it?
I made some changes to the css code. If you can update it please, and let me know?
@WalkYourStyle sorry, the updated code to add to the end of base.css only make the desktop "view all" too high and the mobile is still down there
Replace the css code with this:
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px;
.collection__title.title-wrapper.title-wrapper--no-top-margin.page-width.title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down {
flex: 1;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
.right.collection__view-all {
flex: 1;
h2.title.inline-richtext.h0.scroll-trigger.animate--slide-in {
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
And at the start of the 'base.css' file add this code
@media screen and (max-width: 989px){
.my-title-view-all-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px;
@WalkYourStyle This is what it looks like on mobile now, it made the collection name awkwardly to the right, but the view all can be good if the collection name gets fixed:
Replace the last code you added at the start with this one
@media screen and (max-width: 989px){
.my-title-view-all-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px;
.collection__title.title-wrapper.title-wrapper--no-top-margin.page-width.title-wrapper--self-padded-tablet-down {
flex: 1;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
.right.collection__view-all {
flex: 1;
h2.title.inline-richtext.h0.scroll-trigger.animate--slide-in {
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
@WalkYourStyle it now looks like this on mobile, you are very close! The collection name just has to be on one line and there should be a bit of room (padding) on the right of the "view all" to not push it to the complete edge of the phone:
You forgot to add the padding :). Copy and add it again.
Also for the title to prevent it to wrap remove this
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