Metafeild does not appear as dynamic source....

Metafeild does not appear as dynamic source....

Shopify Partner
9 1 3

Hello I am Piro.

I have trouble about metafields as dynamic source. One collection has 3 metafields and each of them have metaobject which has same  data structure as a value.


And when I customize collection template and connect the data from metaobject via dynamic source, only 2 metafields appear and latest metafield doesn't appear as option as dynamic source.


Please why it happens?? is it something limit  of Shopify plat form??


Additionally, I work on Prestige theme.


Please help.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
9 1 3

As of today, this trouble was resolved. It seems that this was caused due to shopify's big update for 2024 winter and the shopify has dealt with it.  The solution is for this trouble is to make new metafields and update the dynamic source of templates of online store.