Multiple variants, each adding cost. Help please.

Multiple variants, each adding cost. Help please.

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Hi, i am trying to sell a the following product on Shopify. - A subscription Service which charges a base of £4 for packaging and delivery, and you add each product you would like monthly for its own cost. Ie.


Product A (+£1.50)

Product B (+1.25)

Product C (+£0.75)


I cannot figure out a way to add product variants that each add a cost to the purchase price. Can anyone help? I use Appstle subscription service. 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
7536 666 1592

Hi @MSG18 👋 Either make singular products that represent the combined products, or find a subscription app that supports bundles/packs/addons, etc.


Beyond that would mean taking time to get into better examples and detais.



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