my website now gives me a 403 message.

my website now gives me a 403 message.

2 0 1

I’ve been slowly building my new Shopify store for the last month. Three days ago I ran into a problem. I can’t view my site anymore. It gives me a 403 error / Cloudflare screen.


i was going to uninstall my godaddy domain and try to reinstall but I can’t figure out how disconnect the domain if that is the actually best fix.


can someone help? Thank you in advance.

Reply 1 (1)
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Yes. I’ve had a paid plan for about 6 months.

I’ve been having no issues with building my store behind the scenes. It’s been password protected.

I believe something happened.

I would do some building using the theme editor as usual. Then one of the last times I tried to refresh, the site would not come up.