Need help debugging embedded Shopify app (next.js)

Need help debugging embedded Shopify app (next.js)

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I'm new to Shopify development and I'm used to writing console.log() whenever I feel like it. I've installed the Shopify CLI and I'm running the app in dev mode by doing $shopify node serve. The problem is that it seems like none of my logs goes through. I've looked for answers online and Shopify even has a page dedicated to debugging but it seems like there are missing steps in those explanations. I'm building an embedded app using next.js following this template (I'm also new to next.js). I've installed Redux DevTools and I can see the state changes popping when using the embedded app but the problem is that I would like to add a route to my backend that doesn't require authentication and Redux DevTools won't help me debug it. What I really want is the ability to see everything back-end related in the terminal as if I were simply running nodemon. I also don't quite understand the build process. What changes to the backend will trigger a rebuild? 

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