New Customer Account "Contact Us" link goes to wrong email address

New Customer Account "Contact Us" link goes to wrong email address

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In the new customer accounts, when someone clicks through to start a new return request, there is a "Contact Us" link that shows up near the top of the page. This link is hard coded to a different email address from the "Contact Us" link that is in the footer. See the attached screenshot:


From what I can tell, the contact link at the top goes to the email address in the "store email" field under the Store Details admin settings. ALL the other contact us links across the rest of the website default to the Sender email address I have put in under the notifications section of the admin settings. We need the store email to be separate from our main customer service email (we don't want the customer service team getting emails about billing, etc.), so we need to be able to direct return requests to the correct email address. 

How do I change the mailto: link for the top Contact Us link? The liquid code for the new customer accounts seems to be hidden and I don't have access to them in my theme code.

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