Re: No CVS file, but is it possible to take/transfer images and dato from distributor on to shopify?

No CVS file, but is it possible to take/transfer images and dato from distributor on to shopify?

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No CVS file, but is it possible to take/transfer images and dato from distributor on to shopify?


I have several webshops 3 total, but 2 of them, one/some of my distributors doesnt have CVS file on there products. Is it possible to extract ,legally of course, images, product name, SKU, EAN number etc with out CVS file?


And if so is it possible to do on dawn 2.0 theme?


Shops in question is and (the last one is a B2B) I don have CVS file transfer from some distributors, but as written, some distributors sadly dont offer that option. It does get tired to manually make products and time consuming


Or should I just hire someone freelance and hope they do a good enough job and if so where to hire ? Fiverr I just had bad experiences with, so them I would like to not to use

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Shopify Partner
33 4 5

Add an example product in your shop with the same details as new products will have.

Export CVS file.

Clear all unnecessary products.

Now you can share file with a distributor, probably they will be interested to put their products in a CVS file to share with Shopify merchants on future. Import filled CVS file, provided by distributor.


Otherwise, you need to handle copying product data in the shop manually or in the CVS file and import in the shop.


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