Orders.json for my Winorder (POS-System) does not deliver the delivery instructions.

Orders.json for my Winorder (POS-System) does not deliver the delivery instructions.

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
I have a POS system called Winorder. This POS system is connected to Shopify via API and can call up the corresponding order.json file for orders. The problem is, however, that the delivery instructions are missing in the order.json file. If a customer selects local delivery during the Shopify checkout and then enters information in the delivery instructions field (black rounded in the picture), this information must also be available in the order.json file. I got in touch with the developers of Winorder and they said that the delivery information is not available in the order.json file and that they therefore cannot call it up either. Can someone help me?

Many thanks in advance

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New Member
7 0 0

did you ever get an answer to this? I need to do the same thing. thanks!