Re: Organic Search Results - how to change what appears for homepage

Organic Search Results - how to change what appears for homepage

19 0 1



I'm trying to figure out how to change what appears in Google organic search results for our homepage. I've googled it and I've checked our meta description (Online Store > Preferences) and it's not what is appearing. 


Confused as to why the first line is about ShopPay...and then it mentions our least popular product (Cacoa Tea) and then in the links below, it's also linking twice to cacao tea which is the least popular on our whole site. How can I change what appears? 


Screen Shot 2024-03-12 at 10.23.25 am.png

Screen Shot 2024-03-12 at 10.27.56 am.png

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
311 35 46

Hi @nibbedcacao 

Did you change the Meta Description recently?

If you did, please give it some time to reflect the changes on Google.


I googled on my desktop and it is working as expected.

Here is the screenshot.

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 4.23.13 PM.png

Thank you,


19 0 1

Hi No I haven't changed it recently.

The keywords were 'cacao buy' I was searching (I'm in Ireland), not our brand name.


Do you know how I can get rid of the shopPayBuy sentence? And then where the small links underneath are coming from? How can I update those.

68 1 21

Worth noting that Google won't always use your defined meta description/title. They take it into consideration but most of the time these days will come up with their own using all of the content on the page.

Web Developer -
19 0 1

Ok thanks