Passswordless Login without a valid email address

Passswordless Login without a valid email address

Shopify Partner
2 0 1



We've recently set up the passwordless login for our b2b customers however, if a user was to enter their email address that either doesn't exist on our system or isn't a valid email address. They will still be sent, or at least attempted to be sent a password code. Is it possible to add an error message in the instances like this. So we can notify the customer their email address doesn't exist or isn't valid. As it can be quite confusing if they are shown that a code has been sent to their email address when it hasn't/can't.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
163 9 17

Not sure how your B2B passwordless login is setup, but it should be achievable. You have to check wit your developer though.


However, I know the current behaviour (of not alerting customers whether the email address is valid) is actually a plus from a security standpoint. Letting potential hackers know whether or not an email address is valid allows them a clear target, and they are encouraged to find ways to crack access to the email address.


This is also the reason why we adopt the same practice at No-Account Repeat Order PRO (which is a passwordless order history and repeat order app)



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