payload from Shopify platform with missing customer's phone number

payload from Shopify platform with missing customer's phone number

New Member
4 0 0

 Hi Shopify Team.

Could you please help to check on this issue we are currently facing? We notice that we have been receiving the order payload from Shopify platform with missing customer's phone number. What we observe here is this has been affecting all Shopify orders, regardless of stores. We have been investigating this but we found that Shopify is returning empty value for customer phone field for each order in the order payload. Causing the AWB for Shopify orders to miss customer's phone number. Below are some sample order that we investigated and found this issue.

Sample order:-


Replies 3 (3)

New Member
4 0 0

hey Shopify Developer, we need your help to advise this. Could you please help to check on this issue we are currently facing? We notice that we have been receiving the order payload from Shopify platform with missing customer's phone number. What we observe here is this has been affecting all Shopify orders, regardless of stores.

New Member
4 0 0

Hey Shopify Dev, 


Please help to get back to me ASAP.



New Member
4 0 0


I saw your post about the issue with the OrderPhone field in Shopify Flow, and I'm experiencing the same problem in my Shopify store, Buen Pie.

In our flow, we're trying to send a payment reminder via an HTTP request every time a new order is created. However, the customer_phone field in the HTTP request body appears empty, even though we know customers provide their phone numbers during the checkout process.

Our HTTP request body is similar to this:

"order_id": "{{}}",
"customer_name": "{{order.customer.displayName}}",
"customer_phone": "{{}}",
"products": [
{% for lineItems_item in order.lineItems %}
"product_name": "{{}}"
}{% if forloop.last == false %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
"number_of_orders": "{{order.customer.numberOfOrders}}",
"billing_first_name": "{{order.billingAddress.firstName}}"

Were you able to find a solution to this problem? Is it necessary to request special permissions from Shopify to access the customer's phone number? Any information you could share would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your time and help.

Best regards,