Photos will not upload in Shopify! {:src=> "Error updating collection with this image"

Photos will not upload in Shopify! {:src=> "Error updating collection with this image"

2 0 1

I am getting a red error message when I try to upload a 5.89B JPG image to my collection. It uploads but it will not save. Please help. 


It says {:src=> "Error updating collection with this image"} 

Replies 25 (25)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
512 74 103

Hi @ThiccSean.

Thank you for your message, sorry to hear you are having this image uploading issue.

Can I confirm that this error is appearing when you try to upload images in your Shopify admin under Products>Collections and does the error look like this?

If so, I do have an idea of what could be causing this:

This is generally an indication of poor file name management. Check the source file's name, some examples of bad source file names are:

don't use actual spaces use_for spaces.jpeg

You will want to look for things like:

  • actual spaces in the file name
  • long, complicated names (excess characters)
  • names starting with symbols, like "!"
  • too many periods before the file type

If you see any of these, you will need to shorten it to something simple (image1.png is always a good fallback for example) and try again.

This error can also occur if you are trying to upload a GIF image to your collections, is this the case?

Feel free to reach back out here with any further clarification or if the above issue is still happening after the above steps have been taken. We are always happy to help our merchants out!


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 1

I am having the same issue and the name of the file is one word. Changing the format from PNG to Jpeg with no luck. I have changed the file size as well as canvas size and still no dice.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
512 74 103

Hi, @PinMom.

That does sound curious, we are sorry to hear you are having this issue. Have you have ensured your file meets all these requirements?

  • actual spaces in the file name
  • long, complicated names (excess characters)
  • names starting with symbols, like "!"
  • too many periods before the file type

If you have, and you are still getting this issue I would recommend reaching out to our live support to take a closer look. While we’re not able to provide account-specific support via the Shopify Community at this time, we’d be happy to continue assisting you through live chat, email, or callback. Please visit our Help Center and log in to your account to create a support request. Once you do this, our support team will be able to access your account to take a closer look into what may be causing this specific issue. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 1

Hi Marty,

I am getting the exact same error message. There is only 1 specific collection that I am having issues with changing the picture and I have several collections. I tried what you suggested and no luck. Also tried using different computers and saving the image multiple different ways and I get the same error message every time.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
512 74 103

Hi, @organictagua.

I am sorry to hear you are having this issue as well, as mentioned in my previous response this is generally an indication of poor file name management. Have you also, checked the source file's name, some examples of bad source file names are:

  • actual spaces in the file name
  • long, complicated names (excess characters)
  • names starting with symbols, like "!"
  • too many periods before the file type

Have you ensured that you have shortened your file name to something simple, like image1.jpg and tried again? You mentioned trying these suggestions and still having issues, I would also try uploading the photo on an incognito or private browser or clearing the browser history/cookies/cache on your primary browser before trying again. If after all these steps have been taken, you are still noticing this error, I recommend reaching out to our live support team to investigate further with you. We would be happy to continue assisting you through live chat, email, or callback. Please visit our Help Center and log in to your account to create a support request.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

18 1 10


I dont know if you guys ever found the fix for this but I just managed to solve mine by sizing my pic to the exact dimensions for Shopify Collections which is 4472px by 4472px  - or if the image isnt perfectly square, make the longer side 4472px. 

Dont know if this will work for anyone else but I tried diff formats, sizes, names etc and this is the one that did it for me.

2 0 19

Thank you! This was extremely helpful!

18 1 10

Glad it helped you! 

1 0 0

THANK YOU!  Problem Solved!

2 0 0


I'm encountering this issue also and only resizing the image to 4472px by 4472px allows me to save the collection. But with these dimensions the image looks strange on the website and I do not wish this. Please, is there another solution to this problem? None of the other suggestions below have worked for me.

Thank you very much for your help.

Shopify Partner
8 1 11

Did you try the steps I posted below? If not, try it and keep me posted.

1 0 0

Resize your photo,,, maximum 20 mp is supported is Shopify...


1 0 0

Having a similar issue uploading images. I recently assigned 2 domains to the store and since that, I can't uload a single image. My jpg images are 1200 x 1200 with 72 dpi, prepared in photoshop

Shopify Partner
8 1 11

The solution is simple, at least for all people I advised to do that. Follow these steps:

  1. Just delete the collection current image
  2. Save the change
  3. Refresh the collection page before adding the new image
  4. Add or upload the new collection's image 
  5. Save. You should receive a confirmation.
  6. check out your collections on your store

I hope that helps. If you find this helpful, give it a like and share your feedback with us. 

1 0 0

Vwade15, that helped and no resize is needed. I have uploaded 900x900 size image with webp.

Shopify Partner
8 1 11

Happy to help.

6 0 2

Bro, thank you! Thats help. You made more than support staff, which can not believe that their system just work uncorrect some times😀

Not applicable
1 0 2

Brilliant! This worked immediately, thank you very much! All the best from Yorkshire, U.K

1 0 0

Thanks vwade15, it worked! No need to waste time downsizing or re-saving image, changing file name etc


The solution is simple, at least for all people I advised to do that. Follow these steps:

  1. Just delete the collection current image
  2. Save the change
  3. Refresh the collection page before adding the new image
  4. Add or upload the new collection's image 
  5. Save. You should receive a confirmation.
  6. check out your collections on your store

I hope that helps. If you find this helpful, give it a like and share your feedback with us. "

1 0 1

In my case, the picture was square, webp, and met all standards like name, etc>>nothing worked except>> I deleted the old image>saved it>refreshed the page> uploaded new> and it worked successfully saved.

4 0 3

Perfect - exactly the right solution for me thanks Sandbros!!

Shopify Partner
62 0 9

I'm having a similar problem to this. I'm trying to upload a 23K 1000x1000 .png file (no unusual filename etc) and getting the same error.


I followed the advice below and manually deleted the image first. I got the same error response from the API, but when I checked, the image actually had uploaded.


Is there a more reliable way of uploading an image to a collection? I'm just migrating from REST to GraphQL and it's causing me some trouble.

Shopify Partner
18 0 9

@Ashley_KennerleI am facing the same issue using the `collectionUpdate` graphql mutation. Did you manage to find a way with this?

Shopify Partner
62 0 9
I managed to find a way, but was not very happy with it!

To prevent Shopify returning an error when uploading an image along with my
other variables, I've had to do a separate call just for the image, which
does actually upload, but always returns an error.

Not ideal 🙂
Shopify Partner
18 0 9

I tried to use a staged upload url and I saw that it accepts it without error. But it's unfortunate that you have to do a lot of work with staged uploads...

I might try your approach