Price not changing when selecting a variant

Price not changing when selecting a variant

38 2 6



I have spotted that when selecting a product variant on my product pages, the price doesn't change to reflect the increased size. For example, a 12kg bag of dog food is priced at £73.99, and a 15kg bag is priced at £75.99, but when selecting a variant, the price doesn't change. Here is a link to the product page to demonstrate this:


Also, if for example I select a 15kg bag on the product page, the checkout page will automatically select the smallest variant available so people can't purchase the larger bags. 


If anyone can provide some support on this, I'd be most grateful. 


Many thanks,




Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
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@liambeauchamp there are several console errors for undefined variables on the page, 1 for missing gtag and second for missing BOLD

The BOLD is probably for a bad subscription app install or customization

Uncaught ReferenceError: gtag is not defined

Uncaught ReferenceError: BOLD is not defined


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Thank you for your response. I have sent you an email.