Problem with Dawn 15.2.0 Product Page & CSS Theme Editor View

Problem with Dawn 15.2.0 Product Page & CSS Theme Editor View

31 0 9

Hello All,

This happened between 11/2-11/4, the product page checkout section in my theme editor does not match the production product page checkout section.  Specifically, the ShopPay button and the more payment options link do not appear in my theme editor.  On my live product page,  the ShopPay button and more payment option links are present.


Here is the production product page view.




Below is an image of the Theme editor product page view.  The more payment options link is missing and the ShopPay button is missing.


For the past two weeks, I had no issues with the following CSS code that was added to the Custom CSS section of the product page via the theme editor.  I wanted to increase the font size of the more payment options link to 18px. The CSS code worked fine until a few days ago.

#more-payment-options-link {
font-size: 18px;

Since the Theme editor view does not show the more payment options link, I am not able to update the custom CSS code via the Theme editor.


I did not make any changes to checkout. Nor did I update the CSS the past week.  Also, now when I inspect the more payment opinions link Here is the code:


<button class="shopify-payment-button__more-options BUz42FHpSPncCPJ4Pr_f" type="button" data-testid="sheet-open-button" fdprocessedid="s3lgv">More payment options</button>



Does the above CSS tie the more payment options link to the ShopPay button?

Given the fact the product page theme editor view and product page production view de do not match, how can change the more payment option font size to 18px?


Many thanks and I hope my description is clear.


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