Producer Retry Errors With Webm/Video Assets

Producer Retry Errors With Webm/Video Assets

Shopify Partner
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Running into an issue where any use of mp4s/webm's in my shopify theme are throwing producer-errors in the console. Even trying to use the demo reel off of causes this problem


Here we have the following code:


    <source src="{{ 'big-buck-bunny_trailer.webm' | asset_url }}" type="video/webm">
This will visually load and play in the browser, but behind the scenes is causing `producer-errors.js` to log in the console that it has attempted fetching 5 times. This is causing the site to crash on mobile as it's exceeding the rate limits Shopify has in place, resulting in the "A problem repeatedly occurred" crash .
Retry count:5 Error msg:Error completing request. A network failure may have prevented the request from completing. Error: TypeError: Failed to fetch
Aborting request
Looking in the network tab, the initial request kicks back a 307 Internal Redirect followed by a 206 Partial Content response. Has anyone run into this issue that can provide direction to help resolve it? The payloads for these files fall under the limit as well.



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