Product description and SKU not visible in search bar suggestions in Be Yours theme

Product description and SKU not visible in search bar suggestions in Be Yours theme

3 0 1


While searching for a specific product through SKU or description, it does not show in the search suggestions. 

If we press enter , the search results shows on the page. Please help as we want the products to appear in search suggestions if customer only types SKU in search. We are using Be Yours theme

Replies 3 (3)

New Member
4 0 0

Hi there, this issue was found recently at the store I work with, could you please let us know if this has been resolved and if so how?

Kind regards,

Ricardo Garcia

7 0 2

I'm having the same issue! First time I press search bar it says no products, but if I press again I'm taken to the search results page with all the results. Did you find any solution?

New Member
4 0 0

Hi there, unfortunately, this cannot be solved without custom development. This is due to the predictive search from your theme not being configured to show items based on SKU. We confirmed this and saw that our customers wouldn't search with SKUs that much so we decided to leave it like so for now. Sorry for not being able to help