Product import export inventory and variant bulk modify

118 2 43

Hallo all.

This is about bulk edit product with product export and inventory deleting on import. This is what i did:

  • I exported my products via product export.
  • modified option names and values (no adding only modify string)
  • imported modified csv with successfully

This is what happened: ALL PRODUCTS STOCK ARE ZERO ! (this small detail wasn't explained in shopifys HOWTO)

I tried to import my backup inventory but still all stock was 0.

Now my question:

I think variants have a unique ID so why does the inventory not be updated on a modified option name and/or value?

How can i bulkedit my variant option name and value without loosing my inventory. Bulkeditor doesn't allow option name changing and and external apps also set 0 the stock.


Any hint for this would be appreciated . Thanks in advance

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
126 0 14

Hi @kub 

If you are a fan of spreadsheets you can bulk edit your Shopify variants by using Mixtable's Google Sheets-like spreadsheet interface. Sync your variant data to a worksheet, update the option names and values (or other data) you want, and one-click sync the data back to Shopify. Mixtable will only update the values you change, so inventory won't be touched unless you want Mixtable to update that as well.