Product Schema -- Appearing Correctly for All Product Except One

Product Schema -- Appearing Correctly for All Product Except One

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Hey there,


I have product schema implemented for all of my store's products. The schema data is essentially fully complete for all products.


Below is a screenshot of the schema data for an example product, Blue Spirulina. The schema is representative of all products.


spirulina schema.png


The above screenshot is representative of all products, except one: Energy Strips. Coincidentally, this product is also the only one that uses Pagefly. Here is a screenshot of the schema data for Energy Strips.


energy strips schema.png


As you can see, the schema data for Energy Strips is nowhere near as detailed and complete as the data for Blue Spirulina. 


Perhaps Pagefly is interfering with the schema data somehow? Or perhaps there is another issue at play? Anyone here have a clue?


For reference, here is a screenshot of the main-product.liquid file in my site's code. This means that all other products are interacting correctly with the main-product.liquid file.


schema main product.png

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