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I am trying to query productvariants based on a certain metafield value using GraphQL.
I have tried the following but it returns a "Field 'metafields' doesn't accept argument 'query'" error.
query { shop { name products(first: 100, query:"") { edges { cursor node { id title handle variants(first:100) { edges { node { id title metafields(query: "key: ean") { edges { cursor node { id namespace key value } } } } } } } } } } }
Is there any way to accomplish this?
Hi, @WouterBouwman,
This is Evita from On The Map.
Meta fields don't have query argument.
You can try to use metafield(namespace: "example", key: "ean") .
Read the Docs here: https://help.shopify.com/en/api/guides/metafields/admin-api-metafields#retrieving-metafields
Hi @OTM (Evita),
Thank you for your response.
Are you saying that there is no way to filter the results based on a metafield value?
Using 'metafield(namespace: "example", key: "ean") ' only returns a specific metafield.
Hi - I'm also interested in this. I want to add custom values to products (e.g. mark a product as "needing review"), and am not sure where I can add that information other than in the metafields. However if I add the information to the metafields, I can't make queries to pull all products that need review.
Hi people, did you happen to find a solution or a workaround to this problem?? I also want to be able to fetch product variants by metafield value.
Why? I want to store my wholesalers internal product id as "wholesaler_product_id" in a metafield for each product. Then, I can use that number for forwarding dropshipping orders and syncing stock levels.
While this won't help with filtering variants, you can filter products using a product tag. For example:
query MyQuery {
products(query: "tag:needs-review", first: 5) {
nodes {
images(first: 1) {
nodes {
variants(first: 1) {
nodes {
Wont work.
Cant use 'key'
'namespace' is usable.
Seems like shopify has tried to hobble any attempt to actually make use of metafields from graphql.
A perfectly reasonable query would be to get some product info and metafields of those products with a key value of "monkey"
query {
products(first:40) {
edges {
node {
metafields(first:20 key: "monkey") {
edges {
node {
BUT NO! graphql errors:
Field 'metafields' doesn't accept argument 'key'
This works using namespace.
query {
products(first:40) {
edges {
node {
metafields(first:20 namespace:"football" ) {
edges {
node {
Let me guess, I need the 2k a month plan....
Metafields are totally broken in shopify. All these posts are so old.
Is anyone still developing at shopify?
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