Recaptcha slowing site down. Can I turn it off for certain pages?

Recaptcha slowing site down. Can I turn it off for certain pages?

4 0 1

Recaptcha is on for my site. I understand why it's on. But I don't need it to be on for my blog pages. Is there a way to set this so that it only runs on specific pages?

Replies 7 (7)

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Sorry you are facing this issue, it would be my pleasure to help you.

Welcome to the Shopify community!😊
Thanks for your good question.

Please share your site URL,
I will check out the issue and provide you a solution here.

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Thank you for your reply please see the URL

Shopify Partner
3879 840 1000

Hi @techie_nerd17 ,


Please share your store URL and if your store is password protected then please provide password too.

So that we can help you.

Thank you.

4 0 1

I appreciate your reply please see the URL

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Hi @techie_nerd17 


Welcome to the Shopify Community!

I am Alex From MS Web Designer (Top Rated Shopify Certified Experts and eCommerce Consultant from Singapore ) I helped 1000+ Shopify Store owners to Optimize their website loading speed for both mobile and desktop and increase their conversion rate.

I will love to help you with some experts feedback here

- Kindly Provide your Store Url,
- Also Mention Which Shopify theme you are using

- How many Apps you are using?

Note: If your store is protected with ‘store Font password’ please Send it here or DM me.

If you have any concerns feel free to ask me!



Shopify Partner
21 0 0

hey Techie_nerd  what did you use to find out that the website had an impact on your site speed, did you use dev tools or page speed insight ? 
( just to make sure that it has a really impact on your site speed ) with these information I might give you some feedback on how to improve your site speed while keeping the recaptcha 

4 0 1
Hi YvonRamazani thanks for your reply. I am using devtools Lighthouse.