Refresh Theme - dropdown menu opening behind images on Safari

Refresh Theme - dropdown menu opening behind images on Safari

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I'm having some challenges with the Refresh Theme - the dropdown menu is opening behind images - only on Safari.  I tried deleting third parties app, but that didn't help. I tried to speak with Support, but they only said Shopify works best with Chrome. I get that, but working better and not functioning are two very far apart concepts. Has anyone else encountered this and can you share your fix?


This first images shows the dropdown menu opening behind the image in Safari.


This shows the dropdown menu opening behind the images in Safari.This shows the dropdown menu opening behind the images in Safari.


This second image shows the dropdown menu opening correctly on top of images in Chrome.

This shows the dropdown menu opening correctly in Chrome.This shows the dropdown menu opening correctly in Chrome.

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
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Hello @ddwk ,

Can you share your site link please?

Rasel | Shopify Expert
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I am facing the same problem. Could you publish the fix please?

Shopify Partner
552 113 111

Hello @ddwk 

Its Artzen Technologies! We will be happy to help you today.


Please provides us the page Url and password (if store password is enabled) , so that we can analyse the problem .

Artzen Technologies

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