Remove Zipcode/Post Code in Checkout Page

Remove Zipcode/Post Code in Checkout Page

2 0 2

Dear all,

Zip code/Post code is not popular in my country. I want to remove  Zip code/Post code Field in Checkout page. How I do do this. Thanks.

Replies 17 (17)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
916 61 212

Hi, there.


When it comes to the checkout page in your Shopify store it is, unfortunately, unable to be adjusted as it needs to meet the requirements for processing the credit cards. The coding to that is locked so you won't be able to adjust it, our team won't be able to make customizations for you and neither will the Shopify Experts.

All aspects of the page (Billing Address, Country, Postal Code) would need to be filled in in order to verify the credit card. However, if your country doesn't use postal codes I do see how this could pose as an issue for you.


What I recommend is that you make a note on your cart to tell your customers to use a generic postal code if they don't actually know or have one of their own. To do this you would need to edit the code for your cart page. By going to your Store Admin and clicking Online Store > Theme > Actions > Edit Theme Code > cart.liquid you could add some text for your customers.


If you don't feel comfortable doing this you can reach out to a Shopify Expert who I am sure would be happy to get this done for you.



To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 0


Where should I write the comment?


{% include 'elspw_cart' %}
{% comment %}
The contents of the cart.liquid template can be found in /sections/cart-template.liquid
{% endcomment %}

{% section 'cart-template' %}
Shopify Staff (Retired)
916 61 212

Generally those types of things go at the very beginning or the very end of the file. However, in no way am I able to say that I am a professional when it comes to coding. 


In that case you might want to get a Shopify Expert to take a look.


If you have any other questions please do let me know.  


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 2



if i am not able to remove the postal code , can i put a default number ?!, the same goes for the governorate as i only support one governorate in cairo not all , can i put a default one ?!! like Cairo , so customer in both cases aren't required to provide any info for those , and in case he wants to change he can change them .

6 0 3

Hi, apparently the postal code, does not apply to all the countries... If you chose for example United Arab Emirates as Country, there is not postal code. So, this is not definitely necessary, and at least Shopify, should be able to let the merchant to select the Postal Code as "optional" any chance to get this done? Big Commerce actually does allow to do so. 

Many TIA 

1 0 1

i changed it postal code to additional phone number xD

2 0 3

Great! how could you?

2 0 1
how have you done that?
Shopify Partner
34 0 19

You will edit the theme language and instead of Postal code, you will write "Additional phone number". You can type there any information you want.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

I try this. I renamed some fields thats I want. But problem is, this field is not shown on cartpage? How can show this field?

New Member
5 0 0

I did that but the page look exactly same...

1 0 0

One of my clients also facing this issue in his Ecommerece Store let me know How i can solve the issue for my client thank you so much.

1 0 0

@erdenetod0515how did you do that?

1 0 2

Hey Dallas,


Would it be possible to automatically fill the field with a default value i.e. 00000 since it does not apply to the country I'm in?

2 0 0


يمكنك وضع تنبيه بداخل صندوق الرمز مكتوب فيه ضع خمسة أصفار

أو شيء مشابه وقد نجحت معي الفكرة

1 0 2

@Shopify  this is seriously **** to not give an option to merchants to not change checkout fields. Example in some countries postal code is not familiar or necessary to place an order and we cant remove that field or optional in shopify. Similarly if we have multiple currencies that doesnt change at checkout page which give many cart abandoned. Furthermore, if we want to make checkout simpler means we do have only one shipping method and no need to select so this is not required to redirect to a new page and same for payment method. All the platform including @wordpress and other bigger platform giving an option to edit checkout. Ofcourse while merchant paying you the percentage of their sales why can’t you make something customizable for them in order to get more sales. Its really ****. 

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Same Problem But have no good solution.......