Removing code from deleted apps - Dawn theme

21 0 8

I don't remember everything I've tried and deleted, so am looking thru the theme.liquid file and found a few references.  I coped the code below.  I'm using TinyIMG, so that belongs.  TIA!


1)  The first one to remove is judgeme - can I remove the entire bracketed judgme line?  Do I also remove the script line above it? 

2)  At the bottom, beginning with {% render 'banana-stand-footer' %}, do I delete the entire line?  I suspect the banana references are from a deleted app but I'm afraid to delete it in case it's part of Shopify's code.  Monimo is also from a deleted app, can I delete those last 3 lines?


<script>document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace('no-js', 'js');
if (Shopify.designMode) {
{% render 'judgeme_core' %}
<!-- Added by TinyIMG -->{% include 'tinyimg-json-ld-scripts' %}<!-- Added by TinyIMG --></head>

<body class="gradient">
<a class="skip-to-content-link button visually-hidden" href="#MainContent">
{{ "accessibility.skip_to_text" | t }}

{%- if settings.cart_type == 'drawer' -%}
{%- render 'cart-drawer' -%}
{%- endif -%}

{% section 'announcement-bar' %}
{% section 'header' %}
<main id="MainContent" class="content-for-layout focus-none" role="main" tabindex="-1">
{{ content_for_layout }}

{% section 'footer' %}

<ul hidden>
<li id="a11y-refresh-page-message">{{ 'accessibility.refresh_page' | t }}</li>
<li id="a11y-new-window-message">{{ 'accessibility.link_messages.new_window' | t }}</li>

window.shopUrl = '{{ request.origin }}';
window.routes = {
cart_add_url: '{{ routes.cart_add_url }}',
cart_change_url: '{{ routes.cart_change_url }}',
cart_update_url: '{{ routes.cart_update_url }}',
cart_url: '{{ routes.cart_url }}',
predictive_search_url: '{{ routes.predictive_search_url }}'

window.cartStrings = {
error: `{{ 'sections.cart.cart_error' | t }}`,
quantityError: `{{ 'sections.cart.cart_quantity_error_html' | t: quantity: '[quantity]' }}`

window.variantStrings = {
addToCart: `{{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t }}`,
soldOut: `{{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }}`,
unavailable: `{{ 'products.product.unavailable' | t }}`,

window.accessibilityStrings = {
imageAvailable: `{{ '' | t: index: '[index]' }}`,
shareSuccess: `{{ 'general.share.success_message' | t }}`,
pauseSlideshow: `{{ 'sections.slideshow.pause_slideshow' | t }}`,
playSlideshow: `{{ 'sections.slideshow.play_slideshow' | t }}`,

{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<script src="{{ 'predictive-search.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endif -%}
{{'tiny-img-link-preloader.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
{% render 'banana-stand-footer' %}
<div id="monimo_social_proof2"></div> <div id="monimo_social_proof" class=" shopbooster-temp-{{ }}"></div><script src="" ></script><script src=""></script>

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