Re: Sales and traffic drop since 01 March 2023

Sales and traffic drop since 01 March 2023

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Hi team - just curious to know whether anyone else has experienced a significant drop in sales and traffic (greater than 40%). Since the GA4 update our store has plummeted. We had 10 products number one on SEO and paid ads for 15 months running.


We have not yet moved over and wondering if this is the root cause?

Replies 4 (4)

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I noticed the same thing with my store starting on March 15th. I definitely think it has something to do with GA4. I have since switched everything over. Hoping that I see a correction in the next couple of weeks!

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We had the same problem at the same date. Did the correct work?


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Yes after an excellent start to the year March and April were disappointing. Did you get any news back?

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I have started to see some improvements, though it is not back to the levels we were use to. It was a PITA to switch everything over and clear a lot of the errors but I have around 600 products with a lot of variants. It should be less time consuming if you only have a few products. I had to set all of my items to "custom items" so I did not have to add a sku/MPN to 3500+ variants. A bulk editor is helpful if you need to make changes to everything all at once.