Re: Setting Up a Point Store with Access Levels

Setting Up a Point Store with Access Levels

2 0 0

Hello shopify community! 

I have a massive question and wondering if it's possible through Shopify. 


We are wanting to create a storefront that has a login, each customer will already have an email associated as this is for a company event and will not be given to the general public. 


Once the user logs in they are able to see the collection that is associated with their group that they are in. The items in the store are based on a point value system of 10 or 20. They will have either 10 points and be able to add one item to cart at that value or have 20 points and be able to add either an item valued at 20 points or add two 10 point items. 


There will be multiple access levels, around 10 - 15 and we want to ensure that when they access the site, they ONLY see what is applicable to them. 


Once they head to check out they are then able to have the ability to ship both items to one address or to different addresses. 


My main concern is the point system and only allowing points and that the system will not allow them to purchase and item if it exceeds their point amount. 


I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'm hoping it is! 


Thank you!! 

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
69 8 16

This sounds like quite the endeavor and certainly possible. There are a lot of parts here that would need to be hooked up, like how are these customers associated with their respective collections? How will they be able to login without having an account already? 

The points system is certainly interesting, however, points would likely require a third party rewards type of app. One idea: just use dollar figures, and load up gift cards for each customer that successfully registers. 

This is not a small endeavor, but certainly possible. Hit me up if you'd like some consultation on executing this.

Josiah, Solutions Engineer, Helium
- Helium Customer Fields ✪✪✪✪✪ (357 reviews)
- Meteor Mega Menu ✪✪✪✪✪ (281 reviews)
2 0 0

Hi Josiah, 

Thank you! 


It's running as an event style website. The customers are the event attendees, which we will have all their information- email address, names, addresses. There are about 10 different events that will be offering different gifts and some will have the same items as others. I'm wondering when the customers/attendees are added in bulk, I can give them a tag, which would then show the specific gifts that are tagged with that specific collection. Is that possible? 

In terms of logging in, I don't really know what to do for that, if we create them in the customers section, then ultimately, they would have to then login and create their own password. Would that work? 


I wouldn't mind using the dollar feature with the gifts cards, but I wanted to make sure that if a user adds too much to their cart, they are unable to proceed with check out since we cannot accept anything but the gift card that they have. Is that also possible? 


I would love to connect more on this to see what is possible! 


Shopify Partner
69 8 16

Sure thing! I'll DM you. 


Josiah, Solutions Engineer, Helium
- Helium Customer Fields ✪✪✪✪✪ (357 reviews)
- Meteor Mega Menu ✪✪✪✪✪ (281 reviews)