Shop Promise disappears when making changes to en.default.json

Shop Promise disappears when making changes to en.default.json

79 6 12



Would anyone know why Shop Promise doesn't appear when I adjust the en.default.json file?


This is the original code in the json file:

"products": {
"product": {
"add_to_cart": "Add to cart",

This is what I change the code to:

"products": {
"product": {
"add_to_cart": "Place in Cart",


As soon as I change "Add to cart" to "Place in Cart", the Shop Promise disappears from our product page.


Any help making sense of this would be greatly appreciated!

Reply 1 (1)

79 6 12

To clarify, this is what appears on the product page when the add_to_cart text within en.default.json on the Dawn Shopify theme reads "add to cart":

As you can see, the Shop Promise information appears.


As soon as we change the text from "add to cart" to "place in cart", the Shop Promise information no longer appears.


What we are trying to achieve, is having the Shop Promise information appear, while also having the add to cart button read "place in cart".


Perhaps someone knows why changing the text from add to cart to place in cart prevents the shop promise information from appearing?